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  1. Retsiba

    Preheating Heated Seats

    Are you doing a Bjorn? Lol
  2. Retsiba

    New MG4 Shipment?

    Still have my order on a March end delivery though I've decided I won't be getting the car any longer. The big decider was the prison cell issue. I see its now almost sorted so I may reverse my decision but I think by January ending when I look about what's in the market, if I don't see what I...
  3. Retsiba

    New MG4 Shipment?

    The arrival calls are gathering pace. Good stuff.
  4. Retsiba


    It was @MoDolph that said it in the locking the car thread. He said he couldn't remember where the settings were located but it was easy to find.
  5. Retsiba


    Someone definitely talked about disabling the auto fold so as not to get destroyed in current snow/icy conditions. Will have a look.
  6. Retsiba

    MG4 Undertray dip/bulge

    Makes you wonder if their test team/QC is functional
  7. Retsiba

    MG4 Undertray dip/bulge

    My thoughts exactly.
  8. Retsiba

    MG4 Range

    I'd take the car back to the dealer as Briggie suggested (was it him, not sure) you may have a faulty module as said earlier. There are lots of issues but your dramatic loss of range doesn't seem to be representative across board.
  9. Retsiba

    MG4 doesn't save driving mode!?

    No apology needed Les, I didn't think so. Was just genuinely responding to a question which I interpreted as you looking to take advantage of a possible learning moment.
  10. Retsiba

    MG4 doesn't save driving mode!?

    Les, as Guru said just a generic comment about other cars.
  11. Retsiba

    MG4 doesn't save driving mode!?

    Yes I think I saw that as well. I heard some other cars get around this by profile selection at start. So whilstbit will default to the normal modes it has been configured to for safety/NCAP. You can choose profile easily which your settings are retained in.
  12. Retsiba

    MG4 - Loss of power in cold weather with over 30% battery

    Hey Leni, did you just go out and get the E-tech. You had a mirror image of me previously.
  13. Retsiba

    Locked in my MG4 & unable to escape - Serious Safety Issue

    You make a compelling argument but I doubt there will be generational losses to MG that will be as a result of any dramatic public reactions to such. It's no doubt going to be headline news when it occurs, just like with Tesla where there have been 19 fatalities due to JUST the AUTOPILOT failure...
  14. Retsiba

    Locked in my MG4 & unable to escape - Serious Safety Issue

    I know they are taking it serious because anyone would. It is a serious issue but they are handling the PR all wrong. It will and in fact has done some damage as many have cancelled orders not just because of the prison cell car issue but others. As for me this was the one that proved to be the...
  15. Retsiba

    Voice Recog Button - NOW WORKS

    Nice Tesla there Jester. From Red to Blue is it?
  16. Retsiba

    1st Week Impressions

    Insight to the savings please. ?
  17. Retsiba

    1st Week Impressions

    Check you. Well done.
  18. Retsiba

    1st Week Impressions

    They're right though. The half that can't get one fast enough and the half that are complaining. As for me, I'm probably bi-polar as I belong to both groups. Some people like Les and a few others, maybe you too, have been in EV cars for a while. Until September I had only driven a hybrid and...
  19. Retsiba

    1st Week Impressions

    Guru I bet you're that guy at work that gets it done. The one that every other person auto defers to when there's a problem. ?
  20. Retsiba

    [Car finally rejected] Recalcitrant Dealer

    Or if it was built for the MG4 but someone tore out the assembly line document page xxx and the assemblers just winged it ?
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