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  1. AdyC

    Lane Keep Assist feature

    I picked up my trophy yesterday (new) and i didnt really think about the LKA until i had taken it for its first drive. I have all the latest up to date software and if this is less aggressive now god knows what it was like before. Its gone off twice now and in my opinion bloody dangerous .
  2. AdyC

    MG4 mud flaps

    What a rip off . They have just sourced the same stuff from china and doubled the price. Sill protectors are daylight robbery.
  3. AdyC

    For those looking to collect their MG4 this week…

    Mine ordered late November arrived 2 days ago . I got a call today giving me a number of indexes to choose from . Im picking up 4rh March black trophy.
  4. AdyC

    Any late Nov/Early Dec orderers know where their car is yet?

    I ordered my black trophy end of November. Just had a phone call an hour ago its at the dealers picking up Saturday 4th March. ?
  5. AdyC

    New MG4 Shipment?

    When I ordered mine in November they explained my part exchange would more than likely go down by 1k. I decided to trade it in when I paid the deposit as I have another car to use. If the new one is going to be much later than March I may have to reconsider
  6. AdyC

    New MG4 Shipment?

    locked in maybe...
  7. AdyC

    MG4 Delivery

    I ordered a black trophy in November and was told it would be February more than likely however i asked if they could keep hold until march for the new registration. I had an update the other day with no update. If its not here by march end im going for a second hand Cupra born and getting my...
  8. AdyC

    Best insurer?

    i wouldnt insure a wheel barrow with admiral. In 30 years ive had one claim which was with these cowboys. They use agents like nationwide crash repair. Brewery and drinking session springs to mind. All very well getting cheap insurance but its just that for a reason. NFU might be expensive but...
  9. AdyC

    MG4 New plates, mudflaps and a debadge.

    Good to see it on a black one . i have a black on order and was thinking of doing this.The one thing i hate about the MG is the naff silver badge . I wont bother though if the back one on a trophy is a pain. I will wait and see.
  10. AdyC

    Electric tailgate/power back door for MG4 EV(EH32)
  11. AdyC

    Octopus Energy - Sharing my Prices and thoughts - January 2023 onwards…

    British gas site is up and running now. I called them and they had a glitch on the system which is now rectified
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