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  1. W

    Do I need three different cables?

    Depends on your needs. In my environment I would never need a granny cable. My type 2 is included. So that leaves the V2L, which was a nice 50€ addition from Amazon (not a cable, an adapter which fits in the armrest)
  2. W

    Do I charge to 80% or 100%?

    Jerry Pan and cars has a youtube video on the topic. It's a highly personal opinionated topic so I'll refrain from commenting otherwise
  3. W

    A/C always way too cold?

    With no pun or ill intent, it could be a "you" issue or a "your car" issue. We are all very different in our perception of comfort (temperature), thus just because I can feel comfortable, does not indicate that something is wrong with you. It could just as likely be that I am wrong feeling...
  4. W

    A/C always way too cold?

    I would just raise the indicated temperature. I usually set mine at 25. This gives me a good comfort. Oddly, at winter I have to lower it slightly. This tells me that it's a "me" issue and likely a vent setting issue, in my case
  5. W

    Looking to switch to EV

    The low usage or low milage, is not a problem in my point of view. I often only drive mine once a week. Charging is much more of an issue. I have the same challenge as you, but I'm able to charge at the parking facility I have to park in. If you can't charge at a reasonable rate at an AC...
  6. W

    A/C always way too cold?

    To me it is a matter of controlling the vents. Near the vents is much cooler Just my experience
  7. W

    Do the indicators flash when using OPD

    Driving patients to the OR...
  8. W

    WiFi upgrade - charger problems

    I would say that is a question specific to your charger. You will need to check in a forum for your charger. MG4 does not require a wifi connection to charge. Sorry, I can't be of more help
  9. W

    Emergency Braking required

    I don't know about my current MG4, but for my previous car it was like, if the driver intervened, he/she was in control and the cars assistant systems let go. That makes good sense to me, as only the human being knows (should know) if the situation requires hard braking, turning away or even...
  10. W

    Home charging puzzle!

    It might be a bit large, but 5.7 to 6.5 could just be normal loss
  11. W

    Battery Life down to 242 miles rather than 275

    At work, not in car ? Top of my head ; scroll to total trip counter - push tve right joystick in tve middle for x seconds
  12. W

    Battery Life down to 242 miles rather than 275

    Try resetting your total accumulated trip counter. It's from that it calculates the estimate (plus a few bits and bobs) If the range increase, it's your right foot which is the culprit ?
  13. W

    Android Auto low volume after alert/notification

    I have had that a few times, but not recently (MG4 Extended Range) I'm not sure what fixed it (if it's fixed)
  14. W

    MG4 battery always dead after holiday

    Doesn't sound right. I have left my Trophy Extended Range for 7 weeks without problems
  15. W

    Should i buy phase one MG4 in 2024

    Yes every car have different version, evolving (or the contrary ?) over time. Back to the phases; always buy a phase 3 if your grid supports it (well, even if it doesn't, as it's future proof). I find it hard to support phase 1 (but I live in a market where 3 phases are standard)
  16. W

    Should i buy phase one MG4 in 2024

    So you have invented a new phrase for version, which messes up the fact that EVs can charge on AC (alternate current) using multiple phases? Slightly confusing given that this forum is about electric vehicles
  17. W

    Should i buy phase one MG4 in 2024

    I know about 1 phase and 3 phase charging, what does 2 phase mean?
  18. W

    Leave A/C on while doors locked

    If in doubt, check the manual ? (lesson learnt the hard way ?)
  19. W

    Leave A/C on while doors locked

    "interior sensors"? Are MG4 equipped with that?
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