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  1. W

    Looking forward to MG4 Trophy ER coming Thursday

    2 points A Better Route Planner Enjoy 👍👍👍 I have the ER myself
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    Start up message.

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    MG EV 4 SE internal temperature display location

    Using a Trophy as reference, I think you are right. It's not there. The nearest is what you have set the aircondition to, which does not tell you the internal temperature.
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    Dealer inauthenticity - AIBU?

    As I said, courtesy to those you want to help you is not a bad feat
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    Dealer inauthenticity - AIBU?

    Could you be a bit more specific? UK, EU, Australia or? I could check your profile, maybe you have listed it, maybe not. But given your query, I would consider this a courtesy for those you want to help you out.
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    OPD (One Pedal Driving)

    233 miles Okay, I'm kidding. The answer is, it depends. The way you use it (the gas pedal), how often and for how long. Some may even argue that it may not save much range, but is a tool for a more comfortable ride. Your mileage may vary (pun intended)
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    High Beam issue with stalk vs auto lights

    To me auto high beam works a treat. In 1 years of ownership I have a single time had auto high beam was not predicting correctly, but in that case both cars were coming up each side of a steep hill. I can accept that that is a tricky situation
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    MG4 Windscreen Quality

    I thought so. Went to Carglass to get it fixed (by insurance). Reply was "okay, you are here now, so we will fix it. But it's that kind we all have to live with". I. E. He was softly telling me that I was too touchy 😂😂 I respect the honest reply from a person making money on me being "touchy" 👍
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    MG4 SE LR says 100% charge but only 165 miles shows

    Yes there is. Right in front of you. If is says 100% it means that there is as much electricity stored, as your battery is.
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    MG4 SE LR says 100% charge but only 165 miles shows

    Just as siteguru says. There are not miles in the battery, but electricity. The car estimates your range from the amount of electricity related to your driving style and environment features (mainly temperature). It takes your driving style from your Total trip counter, thus resetting that...
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    MG4 SE LR says 100% charge but only 165 miles shows

    Driving habits more likely Reset your Total trip counter
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    Check your 12V battery connector nuts!

    Have you had it serviced? Checking that is a MG requirement on the service plan.
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    Unexpected Behavior: Car Still Powered After Disconnecting 12V Negative Terminal

    Better write it out loud, than creating your own acronyms. It'll give you a higher respons rate
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    can't lock the door

    It is most likely because a door, the boot or the bonnet is not properly closed, alternatively that the equivalent sensor is faulty
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    What happens below battery 5%?

    That is not what I've said! The youtubers name is Tesla Bjørn. He have tested loads of vehicles, amongst them MG4 in both Norway and Thailand.
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    What happens below battery 5%?

    Youtube is your friend. As far as I recall, Tesla Bjørn have made a full video on just that
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    Expected Range in Jan 2025

    First port of call, reset your Total trip counter, to remove impact of your style of driving
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    MG i SMART app remote control instruction failed please try again later

    Sorry, it says in the manual "10 times fully naked" 😉
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    Saving driving mode, speed limiter etc permanently + rear de-mister issue

    Nope, as it's a NCAP requirement
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