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  1. W

    OBDLink CX --> ABRP but sets the alarm off !

    Yup, that is what happens. It is somehow linked to that the dongle keeps "talking" to the car, after the alarm has been set. That is a safety issue, thus the alarm is being triggered. I have implemented a switch to solve the issue. Check my previous posts
  2. W

    Radio stayed on.

    I'm glad you fixed the problem and shared the cure 💪
  3. W

    MG4 51 kWh winter consumption

    And cabin
  4. W

    Battery Management Data Gone Wild! Anyone else?

    I believe that the text "Please plug in the charge connector" is to indicate that you will only get full information on this screen when you plug in the connector. A voice will ask you to charge when you get below 21% (I think it is) I also agree with Ian Key
  5. W

    Headlights - turning left

    No need for sorry ? I guess, if the market allows, it can be added as an aftermarket accessory (pun not intended)
  6. W

    Headlights - turning left

    I doubt this is an ICE vs EV issue. More an issue of having the functionality vs not having it (and MG4 doesn't have it)
  7. W

    Where's the odometer?

    Main screen, right hand side. There are a number panels you scroll through using the right hand steering wheel joystick (you first need push a button, I think it looks like a folder icon and I think it is on the right hand side, middle button)
  8. W

    Car arrived reverse question

  9. W

    Twelve Volt Battery Dead after 2 Week Holiday

    I've left my car for 7 weeks with out any issues, 12V or HV. PS. I do not recall having read in the manual that HV tops up 12V when not started.
  10. W

    MG sales dropping in NL

    I don't think so, and I really don't care. I'm sure MG cares, but not me.
  11. W


    Works almost impeccable on my Samsung Android. Most times I need to swipe twice though. Probably an improbable set timeout?
  12. W

    Current charging limit

    Only AC Set it according to the max your power installation can handle (to avoid fire in your house)
  13. W

    Interior courtesy lights on door opening?

    Like site guru says, the interior lights do come on by automation, but they don't stay on for long
  14. W


    Do make sure to dress warm, when going to the car. (just to continue the Facebook style post)
  15. W

    Charging rate drop to 2.7kw permanently

    Try another cable
  16. W

    MG4 LR charging problem

    Best advice is talk to the buggers who made this bad
  17. W

    One for those who enjoy dogging ?

    English is clearly not my mother tongue. I got this all wrong ???
  18. W

    MG4 Locked while Charging

    Just a single press on the remote lock button or the door handle button
  19. W

    Any way to stop car from braking around corners?

    The latest update reduces that significantly I'm told. Mine only takes off 1-2 mph
  20. W

    Digital Key activation

    As far as I recall, you have to drive a bit over a number of days, before the digital key can be activated. Something like preventing theft by instant misuse (?)
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