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  1. DevonMG4

    Zappi Charging Overriding the MG4 Schedule

    @nbenn below is a screenshot of the Zappi timer. Unfortunately I don't currently have a battery, other than a huge one in the car!, but a timer most definitely DOES exist in the Zappi and can easily be set it in the app, I don't know if it has an interface on the unit but... My timer setting is...
  2. DevonMG4

    Zappi Charging Overriding the MG4 Schedule

    @TechNick I think this would be on the AC out of the battery inverter.
  3. DevonMG4

    Best 3 Phase Home Charger?

    @nbenn Found it, and suggestion added to that thread.
  4. DevonMG4

    Best 3 Phase Home Charger?

    Unless I misunderstand, that's an unfair slur on the Zappi I think. It has much more than a basic timer and is otherwise very configurable. For example, whilst I don't have a battery, I don't want my MG4 charging during the day as that would cost me £0.42 / kwh (effectively the equivalent of...
  5. DevonMG4

    MG4 New fault: Drivers door unlock button.

    Drivers side stopped working a month or so ago, dealer confirmed whilst in for lock in SW update yesterday that they'll have to order a new handle. Passenger button clicks and unlocks, drivers is like pushing on a marshmallow. Love the keyless entry, used to use it all the time.
  6. DevonMG4

    MG4 Reduction Gearbox Oil Leak

    Status update, late October car, leaked spotted about 700 miles, Z shaped breather fitted mid November. Car now just under 3,000, I've checked and had the dealer confirm when it had its lock in recall update yesterday - no oil leak. I'm happy this one is for the history books for me anyway.
  7. DevonMG4

    Android Auto - no voice guidance from Google Maps on top of DAB / FM radio

    Our phones that give no Voice Guidance over FM/DAB are Google Pixel 3a and the wireless device is a CarlinkIT A2A they suffer this issue whether wired or wireless and are both running Android 12.
  8. DevonMG4

    Display Night Time Level

    IF this is whilst using Google maps? Then flip the lights off and back on and Google maps will slip from day into night time mode and you can take the welding goggles off. I've an SE with only one brightness level but the infotainment is always connected to Android Auto. Spooked the hell out of...
  9. DevonMG4

    Android Auto - no voice guidance from Google Maps on top of DAB / FM radio

    My wireless solution is also a CarlinkIt. Are you hearing Voice Guidance over FM/DAB in your MG4 whilst using Android Auto wirelessly connected through CarlinkIT? Very interesting, please just confirm I read that correctly, you were hearing Voice Guidance over FM/DAB in your Hyundai i30...
  10. DevonMG4

    Android Auto - no voice guidance from Google Maps on top of DAB / FM radio

    A reasonable thought, thanks, I'll give it a try - BUT! why does the radio start as the audio source and not my last unfinished podcast? Nothing ventured...
  11. DevonMG4

    Android Auto - no voice guidance from Google Maps on top of DAB / FM radio

    At the risk of a long ramble - you may only want to read this if you are having trouble sleeping - it was @digitaldai 's post on a different AA question that prompted me to start this thread, so I'm glad I'm not alone in seeking a solution. In no particular order: If I were to use Tunein...
  12. DevonMG4

    Improving interior lighting in MG4

    Be interested to hear if these dim, the std filament bulbs smoothly dim once the door is shut. Do these behave the same?
  13. DevonMG4

    Being positive about the MG4

    There has been at least one other thread asking this sort of question, have a search and you may find it/them - I tried and failed but only gave it 20 seconds. Our first EV is an MG4 SE SR and any EV will be a huge learning curve. Looking for value I've looked at Zoe 50kw Rapids on and off but...
  14. DevonMG4

    Battery Preconditioning, the return

    OK thanks, I'll have an experiment, RTFM and check for Zappi & myenergi app updates. If I had the option, I'd have thought it would be in the screen below. Incidentally this is the setup that works nicely with Octopus Go overnight and sunshine the following day - although solar charging is very...
  15. DevonMG4

    Battery Preconditioning, the return

    In the MG iSmart app? Oooh never knew I could do this, thanks, forgetting the schedule (as I fortunately don't work!), I hadn't spotted I can one button trigger battery heating just like cabin heat. Now I'd assumed either were of little use to me as I set the charge schedule from the Zappi and...
  16. DevonMG4

    Android auto not working well

    After reading your original post, it reminded me of my AA niggle that is exactly what you describe here WRT FM/DAB & Guidance. I started a separate thread at that point. I have a few...
  17. DevonMG4

    MG4 Dead !!

    Has it been to a dealer for repair where they may have removed it or is it loose from the factory do you think?
  18. DevonMG4

    Android Auto - no voice guidance from Google Maps on top of DAB / FM radio

    Absolutely, but I've found to my cost I need to turn it on in the last mile for fear of missing a turning whilst chatting
  19. DevonMG4

    Zap-Map and Sat Nav

    Yes I was rather disappointed it didn't work better as I really didn't mind paying for such a useful resource and I rather hoped it would allow me to pick the charge destination of choice on the fly depending upon how the journey / energy use was progressing. I might try it again as I have seen...
  20. DevonMG4

    Android Auto - no voice guidance from Google Maps on top of DAB / FM radio

    Indeed I could listen to only Internet radio, as long as it had a good AA interface. But I suppose it brings up a secondary question, the audio source seems to default to RADIO, so laziness sees me sometimes leave it on Radio and I get absorbed in something... So there is a sub question - has...
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