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  1. pecker

    can't lock the door

    The car is telling you it can't detect the key, try the spare key 1st, if that works it may just be the battery in the key needs replacing
  2. pecker

    Heating fan intermittent/not working

    Have you checked the fuse ?
  3. pecker

    Wish list of MG4 improvements

    I've had my 4 for just over a year and TBH I don't like it, however, it's about as good as I expected all things considered. The one thing that really grates on me is MG's attitude towards aftercare, warranty issues are far too difficult to sort. The lack of software updates is very poor, I...
  4. pecker

    Wireless Carplay with Carlinkit

    Did you need to set a delay to get it working ?
  5. pecker

    Frozen Charging Port Door? (Flap)

    Hey, Yes back on, luckily wasn’t broke in the end, just a very frustrating experience made worse by being desperate for a charge. Not sure what else I could have done really.
  6. pecker

    Frozen Charging Port Door? (Flap)

    Had to break it off, couldn’t get it open without trim tool. Stupid problem to have really :(
  7. pecker

    Frozen Charging Port Door? (Flap)

    My cover is still in place. So trim tool to open ? Then T45 bit ? Sorry, I’m rushing so I can pick wife up from hospital, currrently at supercharger
  8. pecker

    Frozen Charging Port Door? (Flap)

    My flap is frozen closed and I used silicone spray, I desperately need to charge, any way I can get this open please ? Thanks
  9. pecker

    At Home Software Update

    Have a read through here: [ Moderator: Beware that it's a giant thread, one of the largest on the forum, and it gets very technical in parts. ]
  10. pecker

    OBDLink CX --> ABRP but sets the alarm off !

    Would leaving the OBD plugged in all the time cause any battery draining issues ?
  11. pecker

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Thanks all, I can't do it then, will leave it for the dealer :)
  12. pecker

    Dishonest dealer or acceptable practice?

    What did they say when you contacted them ?
  13. pecker

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Nothing until you said this: "you won't be able to do it directly" I understand, you're all thinking "what a knob lol" I just like to get everything straight in my head before I do things. I too have a Mac and you won't be able to do it directly : Windows or other by formatting in FAT32. I'm...
  14. pecker

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Thanks, I understand what "Root" means now :) It looks like I need to put the following on the USB drive, is that correct, sorry if this is really basic vipimage.bin md5_check.txt AVN_MPU folder
  15. pecker

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    This is why I'm nervous and I'm confused again. What does Root of USB key actually mean ? When I download I get the below files What do I do next ? Thanks
  16. pecker

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I've bottled it lol, worried I'm going to break something
  17. pecker

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Thank you
  18. pecker

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    So, do I just put the AVN_MPU file on the usb drive ?
  19. pecker

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Hi all, I'm a Mac user, does that make a difference at all as I'm getting the below error when trying to unzip Thanks I feel like I'm going something wrong, these are the files I get when I unzip, sorry, not good with this sort of stuff. Which one do I put onto the USB drive ? Thanks
  20. pecker

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Been away for a while, how easy is the USB infotainment update above to do in practice ? Thanks
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