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  1. K

    Charging port cover not opening

    I found a few threads about charging port cover / flap not closing reliably. I’ve got the opposite issue where it takes several taps on the cover before it opens and I’m concerned that before long it will refuse to open. Initially I thought due to cold weather but if anything it's worse now...
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    MG4 Software Update Thread

    My MG4 SE LR is going for its first service in a couple of weeks and I’ve asked if they can fix the missing external temperature display and the forgetting of left hand menu selection (usually drive modes). So R33 or R38 best?
  3. K

    Strange percentage behaviour after recharge

    I get this with my 2024 Long Range, where the battery state changes little from the 80% charge for 15-20km, then it seems to drop quickly to the expected discharge.
  4. K

    Highest mileage MG4 owner

    Wow, what a great resource: as a fairly technically capable person, this gives me more confidence that I can keep my MG4 going at reasonable cost if I di decide to keep it long term 👍
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    Highest mileage MG4 owner

    Impressive! I searched online for MG front pads last weekend and only found one UK supplier, price £260 a set but if they last nearly 90k miles then good 😁. Have you found a maintenance instruction manual for the MG4?
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    Would you buy your ‘leased’ MG4?

    Thanks Bam bam, reassuring to hear this
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    Would you buy your ‘leased’ MG4?

    Thanks for replying. I’m more concerned about how MG respond to vehicle faults (timescale to determine diagnose and fix, parts availability): I’ve read some posts from people who have been dissatisfied with service from their dealer and parts taking a long time to arrive but I don’t know how...
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    Would you buy your ‘leased’ MG4?

    Unexpectedly I have to decide in the next few months whether to hand my 1 year old MG4 LR back to the company who are providing it under a 36 month salary sacrifice scheme, or purchase the car from them (either way I have to pay £5k to my employer due to early termination). I really like the...
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    I think you’re onto something here….on reflection I‘ve only had this problem in cold weather
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    I’m having the same problem today and did a few times last week. Annoying as I cant preheat the car on this cold morning
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    Be careful if looking at ex lease cars

    Have just looked at the service list from the iSmart app and item 2 looks promising.
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    Delayed battery level indication when driving?

    I’ve had my MG4 LR for 8 months now from new and do a 65 mile round trip 3 times a week, usually charging to 80% overnight. Twice in the past week I’ve noticed on the car displays (drivers and infotainment) that the level displayed remains at the value showing at start of the journey until I’ve...
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    Abnormal invasion!

    Ive had my standard UK long range MG4 for 8 months from new and got a surprising response today. Car was parked on my drive, I believe locked. Fob in my pocket. I went to open the boot using the button on the hatchback, which I’ve done several times with the vehicle locked, this time the car...
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    Mg4 media screen frozen

    This happened to me today, first time in 6 months of ownership. I hope it will have fixed itself when i use the car tomorrow. Have you had a repeat of the problem?
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    Tow bar

    Ccu replaced? As in, replacement unit fitted for use with towbar, or the original unit refitted?
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    "Stall" Reversing Uphill

    I had this for the first time in my MG4 last week. I stopped on a steep sloping driveway, perhaps 20% gradient, and the car would not reverse. I moved forwards on the driveway a few metres where the gradient was less, then was able to start reversing and continue up the steep part. I suspect...
  17. K

    Wind noise on the driver and passenger side when you get higher speeds?

    I noticed a noise this weekend which I believe is aero related. Comes from front of car. Starts at around 40mph to around 55mph. Key thing is it is only present when the AC is off and absent when AC on. I drove around 50mph and could reliably affect the noise by switching AC, taking a few...
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    Lane keeping assist

    I’ve had my UK SR LR a couple of months now. At first I always turned LKA off but recently I've not been bothering, just got in the car and driven it. I think that the mg4 has improved my driving! I now position the car more centrally in the lane and rarely get an audible warning or nudge from...
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    preconditioning interior of mg4 SE on IGO?

    Tried it this morning, on for 10 minutes then off automatically with no option to change the timer value ?
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    preconditioning interior of mg4 SE on IGO?

    I’ve had my mg4 SE around a month now and am comfortable doing reliable charging overnight using IOG. I will be trying to heat the car interior whilst plugged in for charging in the morning, probably after 5:30am, initiated using iSmart app ‘air conditioner’ option. Three questions: Will...
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