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  1. TerryN

    MG4 EV SR range

    For me having HVAC on and some motorway driving I'm getting around 175 to 180 miles. In the warmer months without HVAC on I was getting 210 to 230.
  2. TerryN

    The great big insurance rip off

    IME "renewal" prices are ALWAYS over inflated. I'm always straight onto the comparison sites for a reasonable quote. Usually end up switching but occasionally a little haggling with the existing provider can yield a good result.
  3. TerryN

    Issue with AC charging/New CCU fitted (Phase One SE LR)

    Found this interesting. About 9 minutes in he talks about CCU fixes rather than replacement. There are a few such garages near me.
  4. TerryN

    MG4 Reviews from various online publications
  5. TerryN

    No Speed Signs on dash

    I thought you said "working software: on the models with no navigation" which meant the SE :unsure:
  6. TerryN

    No Speed Signs on dash

    Yes my car seems to think that NSL is 60mph even on the motorway :) Also I'm pretty sure the signs are recognized by the camera.
  7. TerryN

    New car ?

    If you're on your computer/laptop which has the picture on you can just press CTRL-P when typing a reply and a box will appear where you can drag the image or click to use a file explorer to find it.
  8. TerryN

    MG4 Essence Music App Fails

    Isn't there a setting somewhere where the radio can interrupt when traffic reports are given? I haven't used that for a long time (now we have Google/Apple maps etc.) but I remember that sometimes used to interrupt at odd times and occasionally didn't "switch off".
  9. TerryN

    Are you happy with your MG4?

    Yes definitely! I must admit I'm glad I didn't read these forums before I purchased "Snowy" or it might have put me off :) I'm very pleased with it and...
  10. TerryN

    Tyre slime for flat

    I've not heard of that. Sounds interesting . .do you have a link?
  11. TerryN

    New Owner.... nearly... maybe...!

    I ordered mine in the middle of September 2023. Initially they estimated delivery at the end of November but I actually got it after just 5 weeks. That was before all this Red Sea nonsense though.
  12. TerryN

    Quick discharge

    I too don't like letting the SOC go too low. The lowest I've let it go down to is 19%. I'm always charging on my home charger and let it go to 100% plus balance charging. I wonder how important the "below 10%" advice is?
  13. TerryN

    Issue with AC charging/New CCU fitted (Phase One SE LR)

    Exactly .. and it's not like it's only a week or so before they fix it.
  14. TerryN

    Issue with AC charging/New CCU fitted (Phase One SE LR)

    Yes I was wondering if they would offer any sort of compensation for the extra cost of DC charging.
  15. TerryN

    Tyre pressure display in kpa (kilopascals) not Bar

    I don't think there's any way to change the display in the car but the ISmart app shows the readings in Bar.
  16. TerryN


    The only thing I "miss" on the SE is the electric folding mirrors (needed to get into my garage). All the other stuff I've never had on a car so don't miss. I'd rather they'd added the mirrors than the rear screen wiper on my model.
  17. TerryN

    Temperature Display

    Yes .. sometimes several times :-)
  18. TerryN

    MG4 Reviews from various online publications
  19. TerryN

    Granny cable stopped after half an hour

    Yes I also had the charging stop when opening one of the rear doors.
  20. TerryN

    Warning Sounds

    I have found that Google Maps (Android Auto) does that when approaching speed cameras (I have alerts on).
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