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  1. TerryN

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    EVCC = Electric Vehicle Communication Controller FDR = Front Detection Radar
  2. TerryN

    Do you flash other mg4s?

    There are 4 different MG4s on my local roads. I'm usually on foot at the time so I don't flash them as I might get arrested ?
  3. TerryN

    What’s Your Average Monthly Mileage?

    I've had the car 2 months and have just reached 700 miles
  4. TerryN

    MG4 Spotted! : Was it you?

    I was away in Paris for a few days last week. Spotted a white MG4 parked near Ave. de Messine.
  5. TerryN

    kpa to psi?

    Sure. I didn't change any settings (if there was one to set it to PSI I would love it!!)
  6. TerryN

    kpa to psi?

    I have 1100R21 on my SE SR and it reports in kpa.
  7. TerryN

    Ismart app not working? Advice?

    They're there on mine. Software version 1100R21
  8. TerryN

    Heated Seats bug altered - not improved!

    My thoughts exactly (y)
  9. TerryN

    Lane Keep Assist love.....

    I try to remember to switch LKA off each time I set off but yesterday I had forgotten to do so. I was driving home along a (single carriageway) main road I know well. This road has potholes and sunken manhole covers. As I was approaching one I steered to avoid it and it was like I'd hit black...
  10. TerryN

    MG app - Charging Management page not loading

    I had the same (and the scanning failed). Just got in the car to power it on and that seems to have cleared it for me.
  11. TerryN

    Does anyone believe this? (Internal/external temperature readings)

    My SE SR is on 1100R21 and I refuse to believe the cabin temperature is still at 19°C after an overnight frost so I do think it's keeping the last temperature observed when the car was switched on. Each time I refresh it is dropping by about 2°C.
  12. TerryN

    Have I made a mistake?

    I must admit I'm glad I didn't read these forums before I purchased my MG :) I'm very pleased with my car and don't regret buying it at all. Yes, there are some minor niggles with the software but they are mostly among the "gimmicks" and there's always hope that they can be fixed with updates...
  13. TerryN

    Front & rear lights on when starting remote app HVAC???

    Same on my car. It surprised me a bit as I wasn't expecting it. It's OK when at home I suppose but when parked outside a friends place I could imagine people knocking on the door and saying "you've left your lights on".
  14. TerryN

    MFG Chargers and MG4 compatibility?

    I found this interesting. MFG came top whereas BP took his car prisoner. Rating Every Public DC Charger
  15. TerryN

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    I believe R33 is the latest on the SE SR
  16. TerryN

    Show us yours

    This was mine a when I got it home a couple of weeks ago.
  17. TerryN

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Correct. No external temperature display. Same problems as you with the MP3 player and door locking after moving off. The LKA doesn't seem too bad (only a gentle tug on the wheel) but I still have to remember to turn it off every time I get in the car.
  18. TerryN

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    My SE SR which I collected on Oct 17 has: MPU SW169-29958-1100R21 MCU (I am in the UK)
  19. TerryN

    front camera and front sensors

    I had to put a line of black tape on the wall. I drive up until I can just see the top of the tape ;)
  20. TerryN

    Do I have to enable something in order to get other cars/humans/bikes to show up on my screen?

    I agree the feature is pretty pointless. I can SEE what's in front of me. Now if it showed what was in my blind spot or behind me that would be useful :D
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