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  1. BishiBoshi

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Thanks, that's good to know. I have a service booked in a few weeks and I'd like to get R40 but maybe R33 will be good enough.
  2. BishiBoshi

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Any feedback on what R33 fixes over R30? I'm still on R30 and the car drives fine but the satnav freezes sometimes and the android auto loses connection either wired or with a wireless dongle (Ottocast), I'm guessing memory leak or similar as the issue goes away when I reset the head unit.
  3. BishiBoshi

    New MY23 Changes (wheels/roof/one pedal driving/rear centre headrest & new rear wiper!)

    I don't even see the point in a rear window at all, they keep getting smaller and smaller. Just stick a camera in!
  4. BishiBoshi

    Dash cam - never had one, don't know where to start!

    You drive with a wire dangling down in front of the windscreen?
  5. BishiBoshi

    Dash cam - never had one, don't know where to start!

    Viofo is the manufacturer most of the youtubers recommend.
  6. BishiBoshi

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Can anyone tell me what has changed in MPU R33 vs R30? My versions (Grey Trophy) MCU (seems lower than any other I can find, many seem to be or higher) MPU SWI68-29958-1300R30 (I know that at least R33 is around I'm just not sure what's changed) No general problems with...
  7. BishiBoshi


    Car few weeks old, no bulge, quiet AC, no window whistle etc. Infotainment could do with an update
  8. BishiBoshi

    First car, first week, first scrape :(

    What a nice bunch.
  9. BishiBoshi

    First car, first week, first scrape :(

    Oof. Is that fixable or new door time? At least we chose grey, I heard the paint was easier to get :D
  10. BishiBoshi

    First car, first week, first scrape :(

    Thanks for the kind words. It actually means a lot.
  11. BishiBoshi

    First car, first week, first scrape :(

    Yeah its not affecting the door at all its mostly a visual thing and I guess rust might be a problem if i don't sort it soon. I'm guessing for something relatively small like this going through insurance is probably just not worth it for me in the long run
  12. BishiBoshi

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    R30 here, biggest problems I have with the software is the android auto connection will drop whether I use a wireless ottocast dongle or wired, and then of course the radio comes on full blast. I end up having to reboot the unit (home 10 secs) which at least sorts it for that drive. I'm guessing...
  13. BishiBoshi

    First car, first week, first scrape :(

    Insurance was sub £1k but only just, thankfully managed to use a quote from before I passed my test compulsory excess £0, optional £200 Thanks guys, I'll try a local body shop. Pretty pissed off with myself! :D
  14. BishiBoshi

    First car, first week, first scrape :(

    Finally got around to passing my driving test now I've hit my forties and so of course my treat to myself is a Grey MG4 Trophy. First week in and I was pulling in tight to the hedge to let another car pass on a country lane, unfortunately someone had thrown a severed tree limb into the hedge and...
  15. BishiBoshi

    Bjorn MG4 arctic part 1 with updated system

    Great to see content like this, not seen that swipe down screen before with all the shortcuts on the infotainment. Hope mine will have that software when it comes next week!
  16. BishiBoshi

    Unable to change gear

    Nah, the motor spins backwards... anyway I guess I'll go get my coat...
  17. BishiBoshi

    Unable to change gear

    It doesn't have any gears! :)
  18. BishiBoshi

    Missing your in-car CD player?

    'Sound Field Balancing' under 'Volume Settings'
  19. BishiBoshi

    Missing your in-car CD player?

    Sorry I obviously replied to an unfinished post before that you edited, bluetooth can definitely reduce the quality even with the most recent versions because of the recompression but then your easiest solution is to use a cable. CD's are 'only' 16-bit 44.1kHz so any conversion after that is at...
  20. BishiBoshi

    Missing your in-car CD player?

    Hmm, I'm not sure if Spotify as an example would transcode the file or just decode it. I would like to think it could decode MP3, MP4, FLAC (lossless potentially) just fine but I may need to check. For streaming, assuming you aren't just on a free spotify account then spotify can be AAC...
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