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  1. T1 Terry

    Granny charger safety

    We have no choice but to use an extension cord with the charger. 2.5mm sq conductor cable min., 35 mtrs is a very long extension cord, so, if you can find a cable with 3mm sq conductors, that would be better. Don't expect the charging to be too fast, the voltage drop over that distance will be...
  2. T1 Terry

    Jaguar Type 00

    ugger,the 'puter eems to be issing the irst etter very so ften T1 erry
  3. T1 Terry

    MG4 Battery Degradation

    I have 2 x Gen 2 Prii (prius multiples) one 1 yrs old with 762,000km and the other 19yrs old and 356,000kms. The high km one is an ex taxi and off the road at the moment ..... cause I stole the front brake pads for the other Prius on a long weekend. 've since pinched the hybrid battery and the...
  4. T1 Terry

    Jaguar Type 00

    Don't blame me for the "Cyberbin" post .... but I like it :ROFLMAO: That organ doesn't quite look right with those wheels, it needs spoke wheels ...... and the black part across the front and the grille, still needs to be chrome or polished alloy or something similar ..... T1 Terry
  5. T1 Terry

    Joke thread

    In the meantime, Elon has announced a plan to turn around his latest misfortunes. He had a few of his staff draw it out on a chalk board to make it easier for the lay person to understand
  6. T1 Terry

    Jaguar Type 00

    Among Jaguar owners, it's turning stomachs ...... How could such and iconic brand end up with even drawing something like that, forget about actually building one. The must have changed every worker in the assembly plant to allow it to be built and not burnt at the stake. They claimed they...
  7. T1 Terry

    Joke thread

    Tomorrow I’m taking my winecask back to the liquor store for a refund. When I bought it, the sales person told me that once opened it would last six weeks. It only lasted two nights. T1 Terry
  8. T1 Terry

    MG4 in Australia

    Neerav regularly posts on the thread ..... here is a collection of his tried and recommended and I think there is a link to an OBD link thingy in there as well And welcome to the Aussie section of the forum T1 Terry
  9. T1 Terry

    Joke thread

    I was walking down town t’other day when a bloke shoved a can under my nose, shook it so I’d hear there were coins in it and said, “Dr Barnardo’s Home.” I replied, “I didn’t know he’d been away.” :unsure: T1 Terry
  10. T1 Terry

    Mg4 fire

    You might be on to something there ...... but it might of been Elon fanning the flames ;) :ROFLMAO: T1 Terry
  11. T1 Terry

    Anti EV foxes.

    Just leave it on the ground and your dog will spray it with fox repellent, or Old Spice ... but then you have to worry about the bush pigs ;) :rolleyes: T1 Terry
  12. T1 Terry

    Mg4 fire

    That is an intense fire. It will be interesting to find the cause. It doesn't look to be battery related as there doesn't appear to be the tell tale heat and smoke from under the vehicle. The interior is seriously on fire, the windscreen appears to be gone very early in the fire along with the...
  13. T1 Terry

    If you find the MG Assist Pilot system confusing have a look at this

    Wow, learnt more that I'll forget in the next 15 mins, than I have after 2 weeks ownership, stopped at about the 11 min mark, can't learn too many new tricks all in one go ;) :rolleyes: T1 Terry
  14. T1 Terry

    Should I get an Xpower?

    I do that with the 51, no launch control but have to be real careful to stay under the 50km/h so I don't get a speed camera photo to remember the event ;) :LOL: :eek: Remember telling the story of taking on a V6 Holden Commodore (well known for their off the mark speed) in my wife's Holden...
  15. T1 Terry

    Strange charging problem MG4 51

    Our supply is often down around the 218VAC, the factory that was on this site before we bought it was a very heavy power user and they had to chip in towards a new supersized transformer on the poles at the front gate. As soon as that factory type work ended and it returned to more of a...
  16. T1 Terry

    What's all this about solid state batteries in the MG4?

    Might be a Tesla type hyped release, over promise, under deliver :rolleyes: I think I'd opt for the new CATL battery as the cutting edge of technology T1 Terry
  17. T1 Terry

    MG4 51kWh LFP Battery Health

    The downside of continuous dynamic cell balancing I guess. The fix would be section cell heating and switchable cell balancing, not really something the average person could do to their own vehicle. Does BYD have a cell warranty or only complete pack capacity warranty? T1 Terry
  18. T1 Terry

    Laughable insurance quote from SAGA

    I remember watching a tv show, Grand Designs I think was the name, and they featured this house being built. If I had a spare few million, I would skip the insurance altogether ;) As it is, it will cost us 3 times as much as we bought the house and land for 7 yrs ago, just to rebuild. We...
  19. T1 Terry

    Laughable insurance quote from SAGA

    I'd guess it's similar to over here, the insurance in certain areas is so high, people just can't afford it, and the cycle just spirals out of control. A lot of houses in a large part of populated Australia are now uninsurable, either a fire risk or flood risk ..... one of those things we will...
  20. T1 Terry

    Laughable insurance quote from SAGA

    Our poverty pack MG4 51 was $1800 for the 12 mths insurance, that's more than what I paid for any of the last 6 vehicles I bought, including a 2010 Jaguar XF V6 .... when I near choked he told me it went up $800 because we had had two claims in the last 2 yrs ..... both motorhomes that were...
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