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  1. T1 Terry

    SOC vs HV/LV delta and balancing….

    That means the BMS doesn't attempt to saturation charge the cells and knows it by dropping 2% off the SOC, it hits 100% but drops back to 98% at rest. The 0.01v is a good balance if that is at the end of charge 100% and not rested voltage, if they were to all be at 3.45v or 3.5v and that close...
  2. T1 Terry

    Ok, you lot. What did you get for Crimbo? 🎅🎄🎁

    Not sure if it was braised or boiled, but it was hot in the motorhome that's for sure, had some prawns which the wife complains about because she doesn't like the smell, so that was my Christmas present, being allowed to eat them indoors o_O ;) and I got to sleep in on boxing day ....... T1 Terry
  3. T1 Terry

    MG4 in Australia

    Funny, when I mentioned that on another forum I was shot down ;) I think, if all the mechanical shops don't diversify into specialised upgrades and mods for EVs and retro fitting much loved ICE vehicles to EV, they will cease to exist at all and leave a huge hole in the vehicle maintenance...
  4. T1 Terry

    MG4 in Australia

    There was a reference to that already being well underway, just have to remember where I saw/read it .... here it is, at the 2.20min mark and yes, Robert Llewellyn is the actor who plays Kryten from Red Dwarf, hence the head replicas on shelves in the background. T1 Terry
  5. T1 Terry

    MG4 in Australia

    This is a guestimation on my part, I haven't tested how the MG BMS actually does things. I'm thinking that the BMS will pull the high cell down until it reaches 3.4 something volts, at that point, any energy used out of the high voltage battery will drain from all the cells, so even the...
  6. T1 Terry

    SOC vs HV/LV delta and balancing….

    A couple of questions for the afflicted: 1.Anybody know how fast surface charge dissipates without intervention? ie 3.xx to 3.4ish surface charge to full, rested. 2. What is your Pack voltage MG4 51kWhr at SoC ~100% after “balancing”, rested. 1) I can answer the first one: A) if the cell is not...
  7. T1 Terry

    Joke thread

    A while back, scientists discovered that beer contained small amounts of a female hormone. To verify their study, the gave 100 men 12 pints of beer to drink and 100% of them started talking nonsense and couldn't drive for sh*tte ;) :ROFLMAO: T1 Terry
  8. T1 Terry

    Merry Christmas to all

    You need to come over here to Australia, lots of vegetarian cows over here ;) :cool: Christmas day, tomorrow, promises to be 39°C+ ..... so think of us while you sit down to a traditional hot roast dinner with all the trimmings .... we'll be suffering eating cold meats, prawns and salad ...
  9. T1 Terry

    MG4 in Australia

    In South Australia, particularly the major cities, have road lanes dedicated to cyclists only, not even motorbikes are allowed to use it. Just like the bus lanes, venture onto their turf and be prepared to lose big $$ and demerit points on your licence. T1 Terry
  10. T1 Terry

    SOC vs HV/LV delta and balancing….

    I wouldn't hold much faith in any LFP or LYP voltage based graph relating to SOC, the chemistry just doesn't work like that. As far as the 3.34V - 3.51V delta, the 3.51V cell is fully charged if it can hold that voltage for a few hrs at least, the other cells are not fully charged, so the...
  11. T1 Terry

    Unfixable MG4 Trophy?

    If your tongue goes any further into your cheek, it might break through :ROFLMAO: T1 Terry
  12. T1 Terry

    Unfixable MG4 Trophy?

    I'd buy a used one, that way you aren't supporting Elon (like he'd notice anyway) and it has already depreciated, so when the whole house of cards collapses (all Ponzi schemes eventually collapse) and all the mobs he has been borrowing from against his Ponzi net worth, get their fingers burnt...
  13. T1 Terry

    Unfixable MG4 Trophy?

    I would bring the equivalent of the vehicle repair council in on the problem and the insurance company and lease company to answer questions as to why an unfit to drive repair has been signed off as satisfactorily completed to a safe and pre accident condition ...... maybe MG as well for the...
  14. T1 Terry

    Missing your in-car CD player?

    Wouldn't work with an XPower, the vibration would make it jump tracks ;) :ROFLMAO: T1 Terry
  15. T1 Terry

    MG4 in Australia

    If they had a panic handle for the driver and they used it, the passenger would need another one in the dash so their fingernails didn't tear a hole in the airbags before they deployed it must be a safety item to delete the driver's panic handle ;) :ROFLMAO: T1 Terry
  16. T1 Terry

    Joke thread

    Just as a different outlook on the silly season
  17. T1 Terry

    MG4 51kWh LFP Battery Health

    Maybe we should start a new thread, you, or anyone, asks a question and I answer it to the point everyone has dozed off .... or I catch myself getting too techo and stop, then you can ask for more clarification where I got so deep you couldn't follow it ....... Sound like a plan? T1 Terry
  18. T1 Terry

    Reading SOH

    The SOC % is meaningless until all the cells are 3.5V or higher. All the 100% is saying is it sees the voltage it expects to see when 100% SOC, or it is a tad out of wack as far as calibration and has not accurately counted the energy out V energy in, and thinks more has come in than actually...
  19. T1 Terry

    MG4 51kWh LFP Battery Health

    Thank you, the learning curve was near vertical for me some 12 yrs ago, there didn't appear to be anyone who knew just what they were talking about. It has only been through hands on work and some 200 systems out there over the last 12 yrs giving feed back to understand what I now share with...
  20. T1 Terry

    MG4 51kWh LFP Battery Health

    One of the things that really gets under my skin, is people being experts on a subject by reading other people's papers without diving into what was actually happening, and making it up as to what they believe is happening. The first parameter that needs to be understood, the upper cell voltage...
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