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  1. T1 Terry

    MG4 in Australia

    Being close to a large water area is great for solar, and the Pacific ocean is quite a good size pond .... the sun reflects back up against any water mist and back down on the panels .... it was good for an additional 20% output on our rag tag solar array when we lived in Lake Illawarra (suburb...
  2. T1 Terry

    MG4 in Australia

    Picked up the New MG4 51 this afternoon, so now we have 3 x MG4s, strangely, the one with rego plates on it is the latest production date and has the most kms on the clock .... and was the most expensive by far :eek: Naturally, the wife got to drive it home and I had to drive the '92 Ford...
  3. T1 Terry

    Joke thread

    See you next Tuesday ...... Spelling was never one of my strong subjects ;) :unsure: T1 Terry
  4. T1 Terry

    Xpower as a hot hatch

    I was thinking it was a pity they didn't take on Macquarie Pass or the Jamberoo Mt Rd or Kangaroo Valley road, that would have really tried out the one pedal driving, adaptive regen and if the brakes smoked :LOL: I think the passenger/owner would have needed a full change of clothes and seat...
  5. T1 Terry

    Joke thread

    It was announced BMW have indicated they are moving away from Elon's social media site X ........ This is a historic occasion, it marks the first time a BMW has indicated before changing direction ..... T1 Terry
  6. T1 Terry

    It's Blowin' A Hoolie Oot There!

    That will either improve and make it a much more useful appliance, or the Atlantic recirculation currents will stop and you'll get even colder over there ..... or it's all a massive hoax and the weather will remain as unpredictable as ever ..... if either of the first two are correct, it's gunna...
  7. T1 Terry

    Xpower as a hot hatch

    A review test drive of an XPower by the bloke who is doing a Porche 928 repower using an MG ZS what ever they are, the FWD MG EV. You get to see some interesting country roads and a bit of vertigo thrown in ;) T1 Terry
  8. T1 Terry

    Which is the best V2L for our new MG4 51 to motorhome back up supply?

    We pick up our new MG4 51 that will be the partner transporter travelling behind our Winnie Motorhome when we hit the road in a few weeks. We plan to mostly charge via solar/inverter/batteries to the 51 during the day, and have it available as a reserve supply over night or if we have a few days...
  9. T1 Terry

    It's Blowin' A Hoolie Oot There!

    It got worse, it dropped to 15°C and we had to turn the reverse cyle air con on for the first time since Oct .... but the sun is back out today and warming the place up again .... thankfully, now I can go back to complaining about the heat ;) :LOL: T1 Terry
  10. T1 Terry

    Are ICE cars really cheaper than EVs ?

    Bad enough over here, bought a damaged MG4 that had been hit from behind .... didn't look like much damage when I bought from a salvage auction as a repairable write off ...... the paperwork trail required every step of the way when repairing it is crazy, to get a slight wrinkle in the back...
  11. T1 Terry

    190k miles Tesla Model S battery soh...

    Quite a good down to earth assessment of what you can expect buying a used EV. Go back 10 yrs even and imagine even considering buying an ICE powered vehicle with that sort of miles on the clock ..... T1 Terry
  12. T1 Terry

    Are ICE cars really cheaper than EVs ?

    I was thinking the same thing if they introduced that sort of thing over here :eek: The '74 VW Kombi runs on LPG, so that wouldn't be so bad, but the Ford Cargo 12ltr diesel car carrier truck would have to get an attachment to convert it horse drawn T1 Terry
  13. T1 Terry

    It's Blowin' A Hoolie Oot There!

    What's the story with sending the wind and cold over here. Had to go and find long pants, socks and jumper it's that cold .... dropped to 17*C ...... freezing I tell ya ..... and the wind has forced me to finish the awning fitting job so I can install the anti flapper kits ..... 18ft x 8 ft tarp...
  14. T1 Terry

    Norwegian won in court against MG. Getting his money back for no reverse 4X4.

    That linked article does sort of translate into English, enough to follow what reasoning was for the appeal judges to award him a full refund plus all the interest on unpaid car payments, and his legal costs .... but it was against the dealer, not MG itself, a bit harsh, but I guess they could...
  15. T1 Terry

    MG4 in Australia

    In a moment of weakness, and the needs for a running vehicle my wife can drive to get to and from the hospital in Adelaide for my left eye cataract op......., we just bought a demo MG4 51 with 1,000km on the clock. I'd managed to negotiate the price down to $32,000 drive away ........ and the...
  16. T1 Terry

    Are ICE cars really cheaper than EVs ?

    Just tack "and other ramblings" on the end ;) T1 Terry
  17. T1 Terry

    Joke thread

    Bought a roast chook from a supermarket that still had them behind the counter. I asked the very young lady if it was stuffed, without even a blink she replied, it isn't looking too healthy, cutting it's head off, pulling the guts and feathers out and running them through the rotisserie is the...
  18. T1 Terry

    Are ICE cars really cheaper than EVs ?

    Ownership of a Prius for around 8 yrs has taught us about that .... but the first time I stopped at an intersection and the engine cut out, there was a degree of panic :LOL: Driving 700kms on 40 ltrs of fuel was an eye opener, especially in a vehicle that at that stage had 600,000km on the...
  19. T1 Terry

    MG Sells Over 81,500 Cars In The UK In 2024.

    They wouldn't pull a sneaky thing like that would they .... maybe they registered them thinking they would sell them over the Christmas New Yr break when registration would be difficult :rolleyes: :unsure: T1 Terry
  20. T1 Terry

    Bad month for solar generation

    So .... it was granny or the dishwasher that was cooked for Sunday lunch ..... or was granny the dishwasher? Cooked for 5 hrs you say, must be a tough ol girl ..... so who is going to wash the dishes now, bet you don't get a lot of volunteers after what happened to granny ....... T1 Terry
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