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    Off grid solar car charging

    Well done @Martin (y) There is nothing rocket science about this... We've now got about 8kW of panels, 5-6kW of Inverters and nearly 14kWH of batteries (2 VW ID3 modules bought used, it had done 110 miles before :mad:). Mostly been running for 2 years now. All DIY / no feed into grid...
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    How much you paid for a brand new MG4

    May 2024 MG4 SE SR £22587 via Affinity scheme - includes a £1000 test drive discount as well. Online search will show that price - and the £800 extra for the metallic red is waived in the Affinity scheme. I suppose I should add the £50 MGOC membership fee ;) I checked online prices e.g...
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    Reverse Camera SE LR

    I've added here a PDF guide from my experience - 100% reliant on the excellent videos from @DevonMG4. I started with the AliExpress camera, bought the adjustable AliExpress one, fried it and bought another from Amazon, and needed to cut/splice the cable. Is working well now, but if I knew then...
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    To go Extended range - To XR or not XR.

    @Blu - difficult question since we are comparing a 10 yr old 24kWh Leaf with 40k miles on it v a brand new MG4 ;) The Leaf was a good intro to EVs, and great for local journeys (<20 miles each way in the summer less in winter to be happy). However, as such it is limiting. The MG4 is much...
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    To go Extended range - To XR or not XR.

    @Blu as you say, and others have added to, there is a lot more to this ;) We have had a 2014 Nissan Lead (24kWh) for a couple of years, now the MG4, and I have yet to try a "fast charger" :oops: Others of course have to live by them. So the "speed" available at a fast charger is another...
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    To go Extended range - To XR or not XR.

    I think you need to study / understand the difference(s) / implications between the LFP 51kWh battery and the NMC 64kWh battery. That difference was the most significant for us, and I would not have gone for the 64kWh even if the same price. Depending on your attitude, if you only charge the...
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    Adaptive Cruise Control issues after update

    Thanks again @siteguru ... yes, had not appreciated the finer nuances of that. Will start with dealer in the morning (y)
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    Adaptive Cruise Control issues after update

    Thanks ... but I do get 1mph increments if I hold it down (rather than blip it) .... seems I've either got half of it, or I'm not understanding the ACC/TJA long push properly :confused:
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    Adaptive Cruise Control issues after update

    Thanks again @siteguru ... I've only had the car 2 weeks or so, and it was delivered with R33. I'm guessing there is no way I can check for SCUK001?
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    Adaptive Cruise Control issues after update

    Any more info you can give please? @siteguru says it is not part of R33, but was simultaneous with SCUK001 (is that the ACC/TJA configuration/module?) - just wanting some decent ammo to go back to dealer with :) Thanks...
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    Adaptive Cruise Control issues after update

    Short Press 5mph, long press scrolls up by 1mph at a time... albeit getting the 1mph to adjust to what I want takes care/luck ;) 95% sure this does not work. Confirm it should be, say with ACC active (Green) a long 'wheel press' (middle button LHS) should swap it to TJA active (Green)? I...
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    Adaptive Cruise Control issues after update

    Still getting to know SE SR on R33... and did find using the MG Pilot screen to swap between ACC and TJA frustrating, then saw this. However, just tried it out and the long ACC (wheel button) press does not work (just switches ACC or TJA on/off when button released). Do we know which 'update'...
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    Unexpected braking y'think ??

    Am I old and boring, or do others find the ACC on setting 3 still a bit close for comfort?
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    V2L Test. 7kW output...

    Thanks @siteguru :) I am of an age where I have missed the proliferation of @ in front of everything - thanks for putting it in plain English ;)
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    Reverse Camera SE LR

    Thanks - yes picked that up from your thread (with delicate soldering!). The D (which I have just ordered) has the same CVBS resolution as the E - the E is only better with AHD. Thanks for that image... it looks pretty good quality to me. My installation so far (propped on bottom of open...
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    V2L Test. 7kW output...

    Hi @Ayoull Thank you for the informative posts ;) Is there an easy way to tell if a house is TN-S or TT (will confine to these for the moment). It is an isolated 400 year old property, and supplied via overhead 240V supply - the transfer from (I guess) 415V 3 phase is a few hundred meters...
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    Reverse Camera SE LR

    > Well done, big brave pill rqrd to take apart a 10 day old car (but after all it is just a car!!) Yes - but only happy to do it given your videos :) I thought about that but decided the diameters were quite similar. For various reasons e.g. time / testing, I have now done 2/3 of the job...
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    Reverse Camera SE LR

    Thanks for that... The link currently offers 3 varieties of camera: B, D and E. E only offers a higher res AHD than D so not worthwhile. Do you know which you got? D offers a CVBS 1280x720 which might address Edd B's concern about the ultra-wide screen... no idea of the resolution of the...
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    Reverse Camera SE LR

    Many thanks DevonMG4 for the excellent videos, and Edd B for the added information. Got a new MG4 10 days ago (so MY2023), and ordered the AliExpress reversing camera which arrived today. Started fitting it as per the videos, and a few minor lessons I might write up on a sheet. From the posts...
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    Powering devices from the MG4 battery

    Meets what I found... I got the V2L and Type 2 plug from UKEV Shop which was quick and cheap - £15 for the adapter, albeit £5 shipping becomes a factor if you are only getting one item.
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