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  1. jamherber

    XPower Playlist suggestions

    Rolling Stones - 19th (Nervous) Warranty Breakdown
  2. jamherber

    XPower in the Snow

    Yeah we had the undertray bodge (sorry I mean bracket) added at one of our many dealership visits in the first 8 months of ownership, once Gary Smart at MG UK had stopped insisting the undertray droop was a characteristic of the car and that all 'performance' cars suffered the same issue.
  3. jamherber

    Xpower as a hot hatch

    Alpine A290 is only a few grand more - I know where my money would go.
  4. jamherber

    Launch Control

    I guess it also comes down to what tyres each car was using and what SoC each was at too.
  5. jamherber

    X Power in Sport Mode

    I have ours in custom 95% of the time with Normal power and sports steering settings (the steering has so little feel and feedback that I prefer it a bit heavier as feels it 'may' be connected to something!). I also select sport often when I'm alone in the car and 'making progress' on the way...
  6. jamherber

    XPower Insurance Renewal Refused

    Yeah it's unfortunate but no way round it sadly.
  7. jamherber

    XPower Insurance Renewal Refused

    Yeah it's nuts - he's an apprentice vehicle technician and over a third of his monthly wages each month go on insuring a £1000 car - can understand why so few youngsters are taking up driving, given this hurdle they have to overcome.
  8. jamherber

    XPower Insurance Renewal Refused

    My 18 year old son is having to pay £5200 on a 1.6 Proton Satria - £434 per month. Crazy prices out there for youngsters.
  9. jamherber

    X Power Alloy Wheels

    I also had Citroen Visa GTI - indeed a very rare car and huge fun. Sold it to young colleague at work and he rolled it within the first 24 hours. Think there are only 5 left registered in the UK now.
  10. jamherber

    XPower Insurance Renewal Refused

    Completely agree - car insurance industry is completely corrupt (inflated hire car costs anyone).
  11. jamherber

    Revised/upgraded X Power

    Amazingly still ~30% cheaper than any Tesla to insure but still ridiculous. Not sure about “new driver rates” - my 18 year old son is paying £5.5k per year on a 14 year old fiat panda, so we’re not quite there yet with the x-power!
  12. jamherber

    XPower Insurance Renewal Refused

    When we insured our X-Power this April it was around £300 cheaper than our outgoing Tesla model 3 SR - still way more expensive than equivalent petrol car but not unreasonable given the performance on offer. In comparison, my 18 year old son who passed his test 2 months ago is paying £5500 per...
  13. jamherber

    XPower Gearbox Oil Breather ?

    Fixed I believe (only because they couldn’t sell it to customers as a ‘characteristic’ lol)
  14. jamherber

    New X-Power would get a MY22 or MY24

    Put kettle on, make a cuppa and then get reading:- MG4 X Power Vibe/Hum 65 to 75mph
  15. jamherber

    New X-Power would get a MY22 or MY24

    Before someone else says it - the vibration lottery. It 'seems' the later the build, the less chance you have of having to endure it.
  16. jamherber

    MG4 X Power Vibe/Hum 65 to 75mph

    Yeah - I bet it will be 'ineffective on UK roads' as soon as MG UK evaluate the cost.
  17. jamherber

    Oh dear! What's wrong with it now?

    So on 120 mile trip on Saturday, I had the exact same issue described by Bricktop at the start of this thread, twice on the trip. Same/similar scenario - hard acceleration from 40mph to ~70mph, abrupt lift off and got this weird shuddering & vibration (far far worse than THAT vibration), almost...
  18. jamherber

    MG4 X Power Vibe/Hum 65 to 75mph

    ^^^^^ This. So when they claim this isn't effective on British roads (which they have done previously), exactly how do they know this? I'm very much in the 'the real fix was too expensive so we made up a b**tsh*t story to avoid having to roll this out to all those upset customers' camp
  19. jamherber

    MG4 X Power Vibe/Hum 65 to 75mph

    Yep agree - we love our X-Power (aside from the crap software) - if it didn't have the vibes (or even if MG weren't treating us like complete idiots & were actively looking to fix it), it would be a long term keeper as it's amazing value for money
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