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  1. jamherber

    VIBRATION ISSUE - hot off the press!

    New item certainly looks a fair bit different, having what looks like a cast aluminium centre tray and larger bushes. Personally feel it's a last ditch attempt to reduce the vibrations cheaply, without having to resort to more costly solutions to properly address the issue, in the hope that it...
  2. jamherber

    VIBRATION ISSUE - hot off the press!

    No but understand it uses unicorn tears and was allegedly trialled by Penn & Teller before being released.
  3. jamherber

    VIBRATION ISSUE - hot off the press!

    So just been contacted by our dealer to say the 'revised' steering damper is now available to order and they are hoping to fit it to our car next Friday. I spoke to the master tech and he confirmed that new damper is a different part number to the previous damper (which we all know did...
  4. jamherber

    MG4 X-Power Orders & Delivery

    I tried the 'update it all before we pay' route when we purchased ours in March - was assured this had been done but unfortunately aside from the infotainment, it is not possible to check if all the other modules have been updated. Once ours broke-down (after 300 miles) and was back in the...
  5. jamherber

    MG4 X-Power Orders & Delivery

    Yep R59 is the current latest software. In terms of other modules, sadly we can't see these but depending on manufacture date, many may need updating (eg there was a big update released in May this year to improve LKA, AEB & ACC). Sadly most dealers will not update everything to the latest...
  6. jamherber

    MG4 Xpower times vs battery

    When accelerating hard. Launch control pegs it to an initial 66% which I guess is the optimum that MG found to give the best launch with the traction available.
  7. jamherber

    MG4 Xpower times vs battery

    Yes I would expect the software to start limiting power further after 20% to save range. The fact that the display is reporting 100% power, this is what the software is set to draw as a maximum from the battery when reporting 100%, rather than what the maximum power the battery could actually...
  8. jamherber

    MG4 Xpower times vs battery

    Only on the performance versions which like the X-Power, allow the full potential from the battery to be accessed. On the non-performance models (and on the non x-power MG4s), the maximum power draw is software limited, hence no perceivable performance drop outside of extremely low SoCs
  9. jamherber

    MG4 X Power Roll Call and mods.

    Aliexpress. Think they were about £25 delivered
  10. jamherber

    MG4 Xpower times vs battery

    This could indeed be the case but with 100,000s of M3Ps (which is the best comparison currently for a car that puts a similar stress on it's battery) sold over the past 5 years, if there was an inherent serious degradation problem, we'd certainly all be aware of it IMHO
  11. jamherber

    MG4 Xpower times vs battery

    So thrashed EVs with no obvious battery degradation? Think I may have missed your point as this would mean subsequent owners don't have anything to worry about so I don't get the comment about it being 'not nice' for subsequent owners?
  12. jamherber

    MG4 Xpower times vs battery

    Same could be said about any performance ICE car I guess as well. Also, the last Tesla Model 3 Performance is the same as the X-Power in that it offers the complete power available from the battery at any given time (unlike the non-performance models which are software limited), so this car...
  13. jamherber

    One Pedal Drive + Heavy Acceleration

    We use one pedal mode most of the time and not had this, so I would get it booked in under warranty. Out of interest, our OPD activates at 95% charge but our car had every module checked and updated in May this year so this may be due to the updates.
  14. jamherber

    Does the XPower have any peers?

    With a caveat that it depends on what metric you are comparing it against....
  15. jamherber

    Does the XPower have any peers?

    Great to see another Lotus owner on here - lovely car BTW and 'yota V6 sounds glorious. I think the cars compliment each other well, with one being completely analogue and one fully digital. I wouldn't want to track the X-Power as it just wouldn't be an enjoyable experience. Completely agree...
  16. jamherber

    Lane Assist Trying To Kill Me!

    Several phantom AEB events for my wife over the past few months (including where a following lorry stopped inches from the rear of the car). She does around 50 miles a day in urban and country environment with multiple stops (time limited) so just doesn't have the time to switch it off 15+ times...
  17. jamherber

    Launch Control

    So could be a bit embarrassing if the lights change mid reset I guess
  18. jamherber

    Motorway 80 mph - miles per kWh

    In our X-Power, I only get around 3.1 miles/kWh at 70 mph so would expect ~2.3 at 80mph. LR obviously a bit more efficient but still wouldn't bank on more than ~2.6 miles/kWh. Always staggers me how inefficient SAIC managed to make the MG4 at speed, given that it was a ground up EV design. Our...
  19. jamherber

    What do you think is the cheapest feeling part of MG4

    Another vote for the door handle buttons. Our other car (Fiesta ST) has touch sensitive pads which are much nicer. I believe there have been several reported incidents of these buttons failing already which backs up the cheap feel.
  20. jamherber

    Water under front passenger wheel arch....

    Ours does this after we have the a/c on so I believe, as others have said, it's just the condensate from this.
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