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  1. Anon70

    Norwegian won in court against MG. Getting his money back for no reverse 4X4.

    I haven't read the case notes but there are lots of all wheel drive cars that allow various decoupling of the all wheel drive system. I guess the question is did the customer specifically ask if the car has permanent all wheel drive before purchasing and what answer were they given
  2. Anon70

    Regen Increases Tyre Wear....or does it?

    Need to attach one of these to each wheel of the car and see how the traction/friction characteristics change with different regen and acceleration applied
  3. Anon70

    What's the deal with one pedal?

    Snow mode forces a change of regen setting, so if you are cycling through modes to get to a different one then this might be a reason. Do you see the same behaviour by directly choosing a new mode (that does not include snow) e.g. Sport to Normal?
  4. Anon70

    Regen Increases Tyre Wear....or does it?

    I rephrased the query to be about tyre wear under braking in general and the results were more about how hard you brake which puts more weight on the tyres as the mass of the car pitches forward. Also how much friction the tyres have with the road and how likely they are to scrub on the surface...
  5. Anon70

    All Cyberster press reviews (videos/links inside and no comments, please)

    OK, one of the more ridiculous reviews, like these guys have no idea about roadsters, if you are cold wind the windows up and turn the heated seats on, DOH! and maybe read some of the owners manual without trying to guess how everything works.
  6. Anon70

    Regen Increases Tyre Wear....or does it?

    Thoughts from Gemini (Goolge's AI)
  7. Anon70

    Best / most efficient regen braking setting?

    I always assumed the S = Stop in other words the regen has the ability to stop the car rather than other levels which allow it to crawl between 2-3 mph
  8. Anon70

    MG4 X Power Vibe/Hum 65 to 75mph

    I have been running my XPower on a salary sacrifice scheme for just over a year now. Really noticed the vibes at first, but with some tweaking of tyre pressures and 6,500 miles of tyre wear it is much less noticeable. Also depends how often you will be driving in the vibe zone 65-75mph how much...
  9. Anon70

    MG4 Trophy Charging Process – Clarification Needed

    As well as all the advice from previous posts, things to note. If you are sitting in the car with the HAVC (heating/air con) on the car will take longer to charge as these systems use some power. If you start the charge then lock the car and return to the car and unlock it this will interrupt...
  10. Anon70

    Funniest greeting message

    Mine is set to say "Hello I am Elsie" as that is what I have named the car but a more appropriate message might be... "I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that right now"
  11. Anon70

    MG4 seating height?

    As mentioned by others the only thing that seemed different to any other car is the sill width. Also you can't alter the passenger seat height only the drivers side.
  12. Anon70

    Where's the odometer?

    Found it, well hidden, not sure how useful it is that it tells you the brand is MG, but it does also give the colour code Orange = NFZ/PBC which could be handy
  13. Anon70

    Where's the odometer?

    What version has added this, I am on 2.0.9 in iPhone and no ODO showing
  14. Anon70

    Best / most efficient regen braking setting?

    For smooth adaptive cruise or brake cleaning then set to 1 Snow mode sets it to 2 so it is not so grabby For in town and to get most regen or OPD effect 3 Have used A a couple of times but prefer to be in control as the MG software is not the sharpest tool in the box
  15. Anon70

    SE SR failing to pre-heat while plugged in

    Not had any issues with my XPower pre conditioning when plugged in (not charging). Both the heated seats and HVAC function from the app. I have had the app report unsuccessful but the car lights up like a Christmas Tree and the HVAC is on. Never tried to pre condition while car is charging...
  16. Anon70

    Are ICE cars really cheaper than EVs ?

    Some interesting numbers, from here Also interesting that the Government insists that any car over £40,000 is an expensive (luxury) car and has been since 2017.
  17. Anon70

    Why aren’t MG UK listening to our concerns

    Which goes to my point about company policy and CEO's and Social media departments having the ability to override this where employees cannot. An employee will be disciplined or lose a bonus for not following policy, a CEO just cares about the optics for a single customer. I have been in a...
  18. Anon70

    Go for a drive. Just because you can. 🙂👍

    I think if you were not the type of person to go for a drive just for the fun of it you would not be bothering with an XPower. Let's face it those who just use a car for utilitarian reasons will go for value, comfort or functionality and whilst the XPower has that it also has the fun factor.
  19. Anon70

    EU MG4 (all variants) - Service campaign SC077 is out, improving lane assist performance

    I wonder what happens when the leasing companies get these type of notifications. I suspect they just sit somewhere being ignored so the cars will never get the updates.
  20. Anon70

    Why aren’t MG UK listening to our concerns

    You will probably find from a quick search of the internet that this is not unique to MG and not unique to any large organisation. In fact the instances of any company listening and doing something in response to customer feedback are very few and far between. What you will find are instances...
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