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  1. Anon70

    Does anyone actually understand, Tax? 🙄🤪

    Even accountants don't know how it works ask Lester Piggott
  2. Anon70

    Poor design... a cautionary tale, always turn your wipers off

    It will be one of those lazy LHD to RHD conversion decisions, where they just kept the wipers set up for LHD cars
  3. Anon70

    Are we allowed to jack up our MG4s

    Whoever told your friend that didn't read the owners manual
  4. Anon70

    Supersport or sport mode whats the actual technical and functional difference

    Xpower behaves like this: Eco mode = rear wheel drive only Normal mode = rear wheel drive unless you floor it, then both motors during the acceleration Sport mode = both front and rear motor all the time Regen only available from the rear motor
  5. Anon70

    MG4 Intelligent battery heating on SE?

    My understanding was battery heating is for 2 main reasons 1) To precondition the battery before a charge so the charge rate can be optimised (faster) 2) To precondition the battery before driving so that it can be at its most efficient The car HVAC was run for 10 minutes to precondition before...
  6. Anon70

    Be careful if looking at ex lease cars

    As it is a database with all the records for a particular VIN or reg then I would expect to have access to all the service logs for that vehicle. How else would you prove to a dealer your car was covered under the warranty
  7. Anon70

    MG4 X Power Vibe/Hum 65 to 75mph

    Given that the solution MG put in place for Oz was not universally rolled out and the fact the UK is no longer in the EU and the solution being proposed is for EU countries it might not even be available in the UK. So no breath holding here
  8. Anon70

    New X-Power would get a MY22 or MY24

    Given that they seem to be leaving out a couple of modules, for example the Bluetooth key, from the later models and the bargains that are out there, I would go with an MY22 and only buy after you test drive to see if you can detect the vibes
  9. Anon70

    Supersport or sport mode whats the actual technical and functional difference

    Does the Cyberster have a kick down function. In the Xpower if you are in Normal mode and you floor it you will get the front motor kick in with no need to mode change
  10. Anon70

    Frozen Charging Port Door? (Flap)

    That's another couple of things for the MY25 wish list, heated charger port flap and heated screen washer nozzles as the washer system doesn't get the heat an ICE car generates with thousands of explosions a second under the bonnet
  11. Anon70

    MG4 Intelligent battery heating on SE?

    Did my first battery heating test today. Outside temp was 2 deg C, set the battery to heat form 10am. By 10:45am the battery heating was off and the car had used 3% of it's charge. Strangely enough I seemed to get better miles per kWh on the return trip with no battery heating. I have never...
  12. Anon70

    Be careful if looking at ex lease cars

    If it has been properly serviced by an MG dealer there will (or should) be a full electronic record you can access
  13. Anon70

    MG Cyberattack concerns

    You can disable all the radio/wireless connections but every time you plug into a charger there are some modules of the car that will communicate with the outside World.
  14. Anon70

    Dishonest dealer or acceptable practice?

    I suspect this a generic we have brand new in stock models advert and they have used old pictures. If you enquire you will probably find they give you a choice of colours and cars with the latest spec
  15. Anon70

    MG4 2024 update rumours

    Yeah I guess it will be which interent rumour is true and which one is not 😁
  16. Anon70

    Be careful if looking at ex lease cars

    For anyone interested this is what is listed for an MG4 service on an A and B cycle
  17. Anon70

    Be careful if looking at ex lease cars

    Smiley face (bottom right) User manual You should see this with a newly added Service Portfolio...
  18. Anon70

    Be careful if looking at ex lease cars

    So the car went for its "service" yesterday. Was collected at 9am and returned at 11:40am. The trip to the garage is probably 15 minutes each way and I know the car was driven into the service bay at 10:42am. Now that the iSmart app has a service section where you can see what should have been...
  19. Anon70

    MG4 2024 update rumours

    These look like minor tweaks for the remaining production for 2024, until the 2025 models are released with the promised solid state batteries. Which would mean they are just running with the parts they have left and not reordering things they will change in the 2025 car (like a bluetooth key...
  20. Anon70

    MG Cyberattack concerns

    We have already seen an extreme example of what a Government can do with any product. Find out where a product is made and intercept it in transit then modify to your spec and ship on. Too many things to worry about in the World and if you follow the, what is possible, you would probably live...
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