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  1. H

    Diagnostic VDI, VNCI, MDI with MG4

    What interface would you guys recommend off aliexpress? Any links? Any differences between different versions?
  2. H

    ABRP and Enode instead of OBD dongle !

    if wonder if that would also work on abrp, running sideloaded on MGs infotaiment
  3. H

    ABRP and Enode instead of OBD dongle !

    What about direct connection to SAIC servers, like some other brands have with ABPR? Can't ABRP make that work?
  4. H

    MG4 51kWh LFP Battery Health

    Doesn't range estimation vary depending on consumption, so looking this way at degradation is kinda.. pointless?
  5. H

    MG4 51kWh LFP Battery Health

    I'm surprised nobody tore down this pack already..
  6. H

    MG4 51kWh LFP Battery Health

    There's two possibilites; They either downrated usable capacity to 49kWh, so there's more regen and degradation buffer, but the raw 51kWh capacity stayed. With some optimization tweaks that version retains the same sort of range, which is what you want. Or second option; they used lower...
  7. H

    MG4 51kWh LFP Battery Health

    Nominal voltage is not an "arbitrary" figure. It's actually an average voltage you get, if you divide Wh(energy) by Ah(capacity). For example, a 280Ah LFP cell has 896Wh of energy, so 896/280 comes out to 3.2V.
  8. H

    MG4 51kWh LFP Battery Health

    I highly doubt that the actual raw capacity is 41.6kWh. That's 10kWh less than advertised. Chinese are sneaky, but not that sneaky. First of all, this would make this car way more efficient than it actually is. Secondly, this would show in charging, as considering charging losses you'd never be...
  9. H

    Third party sat navs
  10. H

    Third party sat navs

    btw, you can sideload abrp or pretty much any android app and there's no need for carplay
  11. H

    MG4 2024 update rumours

    Bigger infotainment is still exclusive to China 49kWh only?
  12. H

    MG4 2024 update rumours

    Absence of autodimming mirror on a car this expensive is madness.
  13. H

    Nobody will buy MG4 for €15,000 after only 10,000 miles

    10 year warranty is amazing. I wonder if EU will get that too.
  14. H

    Nobody will buy MG4 for €15,000 after only 10,000 miles

    Guess it's really a buyers market right now. Although unfortunate for the OP, buying used right now is a pretty good idea. And also a good indication on how much you can haggle down prices, give how even at 15k€ they don't sell.. are incetives that good in france? The lowest price over here is...
  15. H

    MG4 upgrade rims

    ER as in 77kWh version?
  16. H

    MG sales dropping in NL

    Any news on european deliveries, now that import tariffs are so high? Could MG exit the market entirely with their EV lineup?
  17. H

    20 to 80% recommended charge?

    EU has 49kWh pack already? I thought that is china exlusive?
  18. H

    20 to 80% recommended charge?

    The best (and still usable) range for lithium cells is 20-70%. This way, you're adding at least 5x more cycles than doing 0-100% everytime. To an extent, it also applies to LFP cells (but less so, because they're not as sensitive being charged to 100%).. It stlll helps with their cycle life...
  19. H

    MG4 Wheel inserts to replace aero covers

    Oh, TIL. EU spec standard 51kWh has steelies.
  20. H

    MG4 Wheel inserts to replace aero covers

    Did anyone test different wheel sizes/covers and which is most efficient? For example, would a Trophy 64kWh be more efficient with the smaller 17" steelies from the standard model?
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