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  1. M

    Sudden acceleration

    Have you tried pressing the accelerator and brake together? In my MG4 I can floor the accelerator whilst gently pressing the brake, as soon as you touch the brake all power to the motor is cut.
  2. M

    Funny signs, graffiti etc. ?

    Our maths teacher at school embarrassingly rolled his Robin on to its side in front of all the kids going to school who all thought it was hilarious. He had to get a couple of sixth formers to roll it back for him.
  3. M

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Blows the overlay theory out then. Just a bug?
  4. M

    Question about tethered chargers

    As I understand it, they are basically using the equivalent of the CCU's MAC address to identify the car. So potentially it is much less secure that the digital key exchange method and could in theory be spoofed.
  5. M

    Rear lights condensing on MG4 SE

    You bought the car from the dealer not MG, it's their problem to solve. Mine got a bit of condensation in the spoiler the other day when it was warm, not checked it since...
  6. M

    Satnav and other things gone very quiet

    Swipe down from the top of the screen for some volume controls - not over the central A/C section though. Can't exactly remember which ones are available there.
  7. M

    New 12.3" infotainment in Thailand

    According to one doc, the gear ratios are the same, as is the torque, just a difference in peak power.
  8. M

    MG4 Charging port lights stopped working

    The front fuse box has a fuse tool stored in it.
  9. M

    MG4 vs ID3

    Reference? It's probably confusion over Model Year (which is what MY normally means) and the manufactured year which is just when it was made. Many dealers take the manufactured year and (incorrectly imo) abbreviate it to MY just to confuse everyone.
  10. M

    Interesting/worrying story from Scotland - ZS with no brakes.

    Which is what I said in my referenced posts ?‍♂️ Obviously it is not computer controlled if you have lost all 12V power, and in that case the changeover valves failsafe as you show.
  11. M

    Interesting/worrying story from Scotland - ZS with no brakes.

    Then you haven't understood the diagram correctly, the motor/pump is connected to all four wheel cylinders. The posts from me above the diagram explain the basic operation. Have a look, there is no brake servo in your MG4, it is all computer controlled.
  12. M

    Interesting/worrying story from Scotland - ZS with no brakes.

    One problem I see with the current brake-by-wire systems such as used by the MG4 is that they fail-safe if power is lost (the change-over valves require power to switch the hydraulic circuits from the pedal to the computer controlled pump); or the computer detects a problem. But what happens if...
  13. M

    Funny signs, graffiti etc. ?

    Me too!
  14. M

    Artificial noise; is this a thing?

    Only "may", never know what you are buying nowadays! ?
  15. M

    Interesting/worrying story from Scotland - ZS with no brakes.

    The MG4 (which is what @tsedge has) does not have a servo, it has a computer-controlled pump that does the actual braking, the pedal is not normally directly connected to the brakes themselves. So you can alter the brake pedal force required quite easily in different modes.
  16. M

    Can the MG4 eSim be unlocked?

    The only real use for the WiFi connection that I can think of is for OTA updates. Ah wait!....
  17. M

    Decipher Build Date from VIN Number (MG4)

    What year do you think it was manufactured? It's either the P or N in "PN" part of the VIN before the 6 digit serial number I think.
  18. M

    Decipher Build Date from VIN Number (MG4)

    The VIN only contains the Model Year, not the year of manufacture
  19. M

    Decipher Build Date from VIN Number (MG4)

    No CoC in mine either, purchased.
  20. M

    OHME and Solar

    I don't have solar, but I see in the latest OHME beta app that there is now a setting to switch it on. Not sure if this has been posted before, but I hadn't seen it. From the help it appears that it will switch to solar charging if the available solar exceeds half the minimum 1.44 kW required...
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