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  1. DerekH

    Finger print, it will get a fist print in a minute :=((

    Can't speak for all apps but google maps let's you download maps of the areas you will be driving through in advance so no internet is needed. Pretty unlikely you will ever get a flat phone these days in the car as you can charge from that whopping big one that powers the car 😉
  2. DerekH

    Finger print, it will get a fist print in a minute :=((

    I can sort of understand your desire to use the built in maps that should be provided free by MG for the period indicated but to be totally frank, I see zero value in them. As others have said they are woefully out of date and provide such little information they are less than useless. Given the...
  3. DerekH

    Looking forward to MG4 Trophy ER coming Thursday

    Would agree with these comments. I have had my ER for 16 months and just hit 32,500 kms. I live west coast Oz and find summer to winter here doesn't affect range much. I am suprised that the very high temps have minimal impact on range or anything except usage of aircon... I have never had a...
  4. DerekH

    Knocking noise in the rear

    Sure you haven't locked the kids in there and simply forgotten??
  5. DerekH

    How do you treat your MG4?

    Wow! Thanks for putting up that video, not seen that one before. I am 1.5 years and 31,000km in on my 2023 Camden Grey 77kw LR, west coast OZ. Zero issues so far. That video should be used by MG for marketing purposes 😉. I have ridden most of those "roads" to Karala on a royal Enfield and can...
  6. DerekH

    Would you buy your ‘leased’ MG4?

    @Koops . I totally get your concern. I have an MG4 77 kWh under lease and so far 30 000 km in, an not a single issue with it. My concern would be service issue from MG dealers. My minimal contact with them has been very disappointing. Consistent lack of communication, follow up or incorrect...
  7. DerekH

    Car shut down

    I love my MG4 and 30,000 kms on it has been fault free. What I hate is the common issue it seems many have faced in the total rubbish and hit and miss service from MG dealerships. This unfortunately will likely be the single thing that prevents me buying my car at end of lease and likely not...
  8. DerekH

    Replacement tyres

    Yeh I rotated mine as rears were wearing quicker. Original bridgestones on my 77kWh long range and just clicked over 30,000 km. Still life left in them, maybe another 10,000 max and think they will need replacing 40,000 km not bad and originals. Wonder if the originals start with more tread...
  9. DerekH

    MG4 Discharge Cable

    I have the genuine MG V2L adapter. Works perfectly. Power outage and via extension cord, powered fridge freezer, some lights and 75" TV no issues and doesn't put noticeable load on vehicle at all. Also used it to power garage sectional door when no power and stuck in garage 😀. Powers 2kW...
  10. DerekH

    Be careful if looking at ex lease cars

    Not sure what sort of lease you are talking about here, but my mg4 LR is under a novated lease and is treated like any other. It's mine, registered to me and I receive all the normal recall, updates (under tray fix) etc like any other owner here in Australia. I have had exceptional service from...
  11. DerekH

    12V Battery

    Yep that's what I did. Powers off each time
  12. DerekH

    MG4 in Australia

    I never had issues with the wired connection but the regular plugging in and out and forgetting phone in the car had me switch to a wired dongle that is always plugged in and hidden under the platform where gear selector is so totally hidden. Phone connects wirelessly to the dongle so you can...
  13. DerekH

    Car broken in to - how?

    Not sure you can scan the MG4 keyfob transmissions. I have tried all methods with a flipper device and can't grab, replay MG4 key transmit. Not sure if it uses a changing pattern or frequency. Not able to record but don't think the MG4 is one of the easier cars to hijack the key signal.
  14. DerekH

    Mirror indicator distraction.

    Black marker pen?
  15. DerekH

    Highest Efficiency Number You’ve Seen?

    Best I have managed started near the top of a hill, OPD and high regen.. gotta love the range estimate LR..
  16. DerekH

    I will never buy another MG ever again ?

    And wait till the other mainstream Chinese brands hit the market. So much competition in the EV space. Hardly an MG thing.. it's called competition. The alternative is they maintain the higher price and get wiped off the map by other brands lower prices.
  17. DerekH

    Android Auto Waze Voice Navigation

    Not using wired Android as I have always used wireless android auto via adaoter and that mixes sound from radio or Bluetooth music from phone with navigation from Google maps without issue. Music sound drops volume and voice nav overlays louder. Just make sure you have unmuted Audi on google...
  18. DerekH

    Running a 12V fridge from MG4 LV Battery

    You should have asked ;) I have a king's battery box with all the usual plugs (USB, Anderson, meter, isolation switch etc) and a kings Invertor. All new and surplus to my needs. I will call you later.
  19. DerekH

    Holes in the Underbody Cover

    Ahhh ok and thanks for finding that info. All makes sense now. Appreciated.
  20. DerekH

    Digital key management missing on the app

    In the Australian version of the app it's under "my profile" if that helps?
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