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  1. Corindikev

    New MG4 owner - newbie tips

    If you have a garage install a 7kW EVSE & get an electricity plan that suits your lifestyle. I also have solar panels & the only time I pay for charging is when I am away from home on a long trip. 22,000km so far & 95% of that has been free.
  2. Corindikev

    Are you happy with your MG4?

    When I first got mine I set the mode to Eco thinking I'd get better economy. There are 3 different Eco settings. In the end I gave up & leave it in Normal all the time now. I leave the HVAC Eco setting on as there is little difference to cooling. The settings all just seem to adjust throttle...
  3. Corindikev

    Sudden automatic braking issue (merged, MG4)

    What year, build, software version and model? Mine doesn't have the problem so I suspect it has later software.
  4. Corindikev

    Are ICE cars really cheaper than EVs ?

    I've not had anyone rubbish my car but I've been asked a number of times how much it costs to run & how long it takes to charge. My simple explanation is that it costs nothing to run as it runs on sunshine. A few have just accepted that which I found a bit odd. Most say "whadayamean" or similar...
  5. Corindikev

    Sudden automatic braking issue (merged, MG4)

    You can switch just about everything off but as it must be on by default to get the 5 star NCAP rating you have to do this every time you drive as all the safety systems must be activated by default when the car is started. My car was built in June 2023 & on the road since September 23 & I...
  6. Corindikev

    MG4 Trophy LR MY2022 AC Charging Speed

    The 77kW Essence (Trophy ER) is the only current version with 3 phase AC charging in Australia/NZ. Early 2022 UK models had 3 phase but that was changed in 2023 to single phase. The most likely reason is that most homes only have a single phase supply so having 3 phase capability is not very...
  7. Corindikev

    AliExpress dashcam

    No mine doesn't. The power supply to the dashcam is from a switched fuse that is only powered on if the car is turned on. Google translate has worked perfectly for your simple question.
  8. Corindikev

    MG4 in Australia

    Looks like it. There is not much point in asking now if the service is not due for 2 years. When mine is due I'll ask for the price and written details of the service schedule & see if it matches what they originally published.
  9. Corindikev

    MG4 in Australia

    I just had a look at the revised web site. The original 2 year service was capped at AU$298.00 296.00 & the 4 year service was a staggering $948.00 $907 (I think). They also listed all the work that was to be done. Most were just checks. The 4 year service was the same with just additions for...
  10. Corindikev

    MG4 powering other stuff (Vehicle to Load aka ‘V2L’)

    I should have said 3% is desirable, not allowable so 5% is OK. Now electrical authorities are recommending 3% max. Like everything things keep getting tightened. The standard AC voltage to homes in Australia is 230 volts but the allowable range is from 216.2 to 256 volts or minus 6% to plus...
  11. Corindikev

    MG4 powering other stuff (Vehicle to Load aka ‘V2L’)

    You are correct but there will be greater than the allowable 3% voltage drop or 7.18 volts. 4mm² cable is rated for 31 amps but carries 32 fine for 10 metres or less. If you are drawing 32 amps over 20 metres you will definitely need to have the cable well ventilated as it will get quite hot...
  12. Corindikev

    AliExpress dashcam

    The range and prices of dashcams is astounding. I saw one on Aliexpress for $AUD20.00. Reviews were all positive so I splashed out. It works an absolute treat. It is quite small, and unobtrusive & I positioned it to the left of top console. It has a 140 deg field or view so it doesn't matter...
  13. Corindikev

    MG4 powering other stuff (Vehicle to Load aka ‘V2L’)

    The MG4 Inverter is capable of delivering 32 Amps at 220 volts which equates to 7kW of power. Most of the V2L adapter cables limit the output to 2.2 kW or thereabouts for good reason. Most people are blissfully unaware of how electricity works and plug a 10 amp extension lead in to the V2L &...
  14. Corindikev

    MG4 in Australia

    Mine will be going in for the first 2 year service in August. I haven't been concerned at all with the software other than it being a bit laggy at times. I will be asking for all of the updates when I book it in. & hope they make it better. As far as I know there is an addition to Satnav...
  15. Corindikev

    Sudden automatic braking issue (merged, MG4)

    I have the same model, 17 months old & 22,000km. I I haven't had any issues like you have described. I used to turn LKA off but leave it on all the time now. It just made me drive more accurately. Automatic braking has worked when the car detected a pedestrian emerging from between 2 cars. The...
  16. Corindikev

    Can anyone (Can't select D or R)

    The MG4 will require the drivers seatbelt to be fastened if it is on a slope. If it is level it doesn't. This is handy if you stop to open a gate or manual garage door. It will also not creep if it is on a slope after releasing the brake. You need to touch the accelerator to get it to move...
  17. Corindikev

    New MG4 Owner 😊

    I have owned my MG 4 for 15 months & 21,000km & when I first got it turned the LKA off every time (except when I forgot). I regularly drive about 100km on the Freeway at 110kmh. It is the first car I have owned with LKA. I looked at a number of motoring forums of various brands of new vehicles...
  18. Corindikev

    Charge limit keeps setting itself to 100%

    Software bugs are quite odd when 1 car has a problem that hundreds or possibly thousands of others with the same software version do not have. Then an update is done and the new version doesn't fix it either. Then they do another which would appear to be a bug fix patch and it works. Weird.
  19. Corindikev

    Charge limit keeps setting itself to 100%

    Invoke a system reboot & recheck after that.
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