Almost 16 months & 21,000km in my MG4. I've had one fault & that was the warped under tray. I was one of the first to have the bar fitted to remove the warp. Done in 10 minutes by the dealer under warranty. Otherwise better than previous cars.
People continue to buy a new vehicle in 2024/25 & assume it works just like a 1980s car. Wrong. Computers dominate our every day lives and they control most aspects of a modern motor vehicle. Safety standards have improved many times more than the average punter realises or understands...
Another reason to read the manual. Also don't leave them up after washing because as soon as you sit in the drivers seat they will automatically park. A number of owners have found this out to their detriment when the still raised wipers scratched the bonnet edge when trying to park.
I found the negative terminal on my car was not tight as I could easily move it when I connected jumper leads to start another car. Luckily it hadn't caused any issues but it would seem that it wasn't tightened when the car was delivered to the dealer. Sounds like a common issue.
I've owned...
In Australia we had the original app for a year then it got upgraded from dark mode to light mode a month or so back and it was terrible. Failed to connect half the time, needed refreshing all the time and the graphics were crap. Then the next upgrade saw everything change for the better. Now it...
I don't care how the accuracy is achieved but a check with a speedo app on my phone was enough for me when it aligned almost perfectly with the cars digital readout. So when on the highway I set the cruise control to the actual limit. My last car was terrible & displayed about 118 kmh at 110kmh...
Depreciation on my car is irrelevant to me as I keep a car usually for 10 years from new. The fuel savings over an ICE car compensates but the driving experience is the real winner.
The Netherlands is about 52 degrees North whereas where I live in Australia we are 30 degrees South. This is a significant advantage when producing electricity from PV arrays due to the angle the rays strike the panels and orientation of the panels on the roof.
My original installation (8 x...
I have just over 21,000 km on the clock now after nearly 15 months and have only used fast chargers on 4 long trips of 500-600 km and 2 of 350 km mostly on 110kmh highway. I have used 1 x 350kW Evie charger when I was pretty low & the GOM said I might get home or I might not. It went straight up...
A bit over 20,000km so far. Using the Powershop 2 hour free power between 12 & 2 every day has been beneficial as I have not paid for any home charging since I changed. My last power bill was a $30.00 credit.
On a sunny day I am generating around 6 - 6.5 kW from my 8.5 kW of panels during the...
I use my car almost every day & was quite happy with the old version of the app. I have not sent any comments back to MG yet but it would seem that is a waste of time given they provided an upgrade that had already proven to be crap in the UK so there would have been plenty of complaints.
The new app is worse than the old one for actually showing the current range and battery status. The old app always showed the correct status. Now the main start screen shows nothing unless you refresh it with a swipe down. This sometimes activates bluetooth & the keyless start tab changes to...
Even with the existing Nav software you can tap the chargers icon & it will calculate all the chargers within the vehicles current range but won't do this on a plan. My last trip from home (Corindi Beach) to Noosa (500km) had plenty of chargers on route up the Pacific highway & I selected a few...
The problem is you have to go to the dealer to get the update downloaded. The car is capable of OTA updates but they (SAIC) won't allow it. I don't use Nav often enough to warrant the 60km round trip & the wait plus they are likely to charge for it. Easier to use Android Auto & Plugshare
The new app is worse than the original. There is no dark mode, light is the only option & it looks washed out. The graphics are nowhere near as good. If the car is not charging it does not show the range on the screen even after refreshing it. You have to go in to the charging screen and wait...
I don't know about Europe but in Australia you lose a minimum of $10,000.00 as soon as you drive the car off the showroom floor. After that so long as you have maintained it to the specified regime and keep it in good condition any car will generally halve its value every 3 years.
That also has...
When are we getting the Cyberster in Australia? MG Australias website has been saying coming in 2024 all year & it is nearly over with no launch date yet. Now the page has been pulled from the website.
Same here. 5 degrees seems to be about the standard variation. I think it must have something to do with the location of the thermostat sensor as it is pretty much the same for every MG4.
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