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  1. MichaelJHunt

    Tesla price increase - again!

    Tesla is increasing the price of it’s totally fictional FSD to $15,000 !!!!
  2. MichaelJHunt

    Battery Degradation- I know it’s the Telegraph, but….
  3. MichaelJHunt

    Do you Rent or Buy?

    Here’s a thread to discuss renting your car or buying it. I bought my ZS TC LR. I have driven 9,600 miles in it. Because I got it for a good price I would only lose £55 if I sold it to The Motorway. My dealer would give me back what I paid for it, and more if PX. As such, it’s only cost me...
  4. MichaelJHunt

    Sun “readers” to understand how EV Owners are being ripped off.
  5. MichaelJHunt

    Cost of charging a BEV

    The cost of charging a BEV has increased greatly this year. For long journeys it can be nearly as expensive to travel in a BEV as using an ICE car. What is going to happen when the government start to regain the lost fuel revenue by some method of taxing BEV driving? It’s going to make...
  6. MichaelJHunt

    Beginner’s guide to EV ownership
  7. MichaelJHunt

    Total Cost of Ownership.

    An interesting report…
  8. MichaelJHunt

    Today’s Joke.

    I put my iPhone into airplane mode. When I threw it, it hit the ground.
  9. MichaelJHunt

    My brother’s little secret

    After all these years, I’ve just found out that my brother is a mime artist. He kept that quiet.
  10. MichaelJHunt

    Tractor Drivers

    A man in a Tractor has just driven passed me shouting, "The End of the world is nigh.” Must have been Farmer Gedden!
  11. MichaelJHunt

    Cadbury trying to help

    Cadbury have just donated a giant chocolate bar to the Bank of England. It's a massive Boost for the economy.
  12. MichaelJHunt

    House Renovation

    We're renovating our house - the first floor is going great, but the second floor is another story.
  13. MichaelJHunt

    Discovered the connection.

  14. MichaelJHunt

    A new restaurant just opened

    A new restaurant just opened in our town. It’s called “The Lord Giveth”. They also do takeaways.
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