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  1. EVsince2016

    Rumbling sound - once per wheel turn

    In the last few months, a cyclic rumbling sound has developed. Each wheel rotation comes with a dull thud creating a rumbling sound worst at 20, 60 and 80 mph. No vibration, MG checked and say AOK. Drive train seems OK, discs look OK but when rusty you do hear a slight sound as they clear the...
  2. EVsince2016

    MG5 plug & auto charge

    I thought I'd share some information that I have learnt about auto-charge. Auto-charge is where you just plug in your car and the car communicates with the charger and charges with no other actions required. Most are probably aware that Tesla uses auto-charging as standard for their charging...
  3. EVsince2016

    Battery Heater - MG5 LR Exclusive

    I have tried turning on my battery heater on many occasions over time by going to the battery screen in the menu and clicking always on, but it always switches directly back to off. In the summer I guessed this was because it was too warm, but now at well below freezing it still doesn't switch...
  4. EVsince2016

    MG5 quirks!

    Getting used to the car now but a couple of quirks have started. Yesterday the auto headlights didn't work, I had to turn them on manually, then on/off a few times before the auto headlights worked! Funny one. I had driven 5 miles and suddenly my drivers door opened!!!! I was alerted by bleeps...
  5. EVsince2016

    MG forced to stop selling Petrol cars due to demand for EVs!

    Apparently, MG have already met their 2022 sales targets so have stopped selling / making petrol cars and will only sell EVs. They blame exceptional sales creating a delivery timescale of >1 year and the need to ensure EV credits...
  6. EVsince2016

    Charging an MG5 - locked / unlocked

    OK, none of the various chats on here really answer this so given sunny day 1 since I bought the car I had a play on Zappi via Solar divert. 1 - Timed night charge: - plugged in during evening & locked - worked on solar all day then overnight - TBC second night plugged in 2 days, no solar -...
  7. EVsince2016

    % battery remaining unchanged for 10 miles after charging

    On 2 occasions now after a 4 hour overnight charge from ~30-~70% I have driven for around 10 miles before then SOC % changes. Everything else is otherwise working fine! Any ideas?
  8. EVsince2016

    MG Vehicle Operations have lost my MG5

    My MG5 was delivered to the UK on 3rd November and it was booked to be delivered to my dealer on 20th November, but it was missing on the delivery. It seems that MG Vehicle Operations have lost it and one other. The dealer, other buyer and I are getting just silly respo0nses! Any ideas?
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