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  1. ajhayden93

    How much do you spend on charging?

    Curious as to how much people are spending each month charging after a conversation about costs vs ICE vehicles.
  2. ajhayden93

    Full Beam dark spots

    Apologies if this has been posted before. Does anyone else have these dark spots on each side when full beam is on?
  3. ajhayden93

    Tesla Supercharger Tip (Trafford Centre)

    Hi All, I've been using the local Tesla Super chargers near me (Trafford Centre, Manchester) and I thought I'd give a tip for anyone trying to use them. My first few experiences were a little hit and miss and maybe everyone know's this already (Apologies) Since I've been doing the below I've...
  4. ajhayden93

    Handover checklist

    My LR Trophy arrives on Wednesday. Does anyone have any tips on what I should be checking for apart from the obvious ones like damage and under-tray? Thanks
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