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  1. J

    12V Socket in boot

    Maybe I’m the last to know but I just discovered the handy 12V accessory socket in the right hand netted cubby hole in the boot - useful for a travelling ice box among other things.
  2. J

    Backup Key Position?

    After long wait for ferry check-in this evening I found the car wouldn’t engage drive when the time came to start moving - embarrassing! The dash says put key in backup key position but no reference to where this is in manual I can find ! Tried armrest cubby and by cup holders - no joy. In the...
  3. J

    Home Assistant integration

    For anyone who is into Home Assistant, I’ve just got this MG integration working with our Cyberster…
  4. J

    Charge flap / door alignment

    When it is closed the top edge of the charge flap is proud of the bodywork such that it would be quite easy for a malicious person to get fingers behind it and yank it out and damage it in the process. It also seems to be a bit unreliable on closing / opening. The bottom edge is similarly...
  5. J

    Headlight deflectors for France etc?

    Has anyone seen any info on what is needed? I haven’t seen anything in settings.
  6. J

    CarPlay and iPhone 16 / IOS 18

    Has anyone got this combination working? I’ve tried wired (several different cables) and using a dongle. My wife’s iPhone 12 Mini is fine on both wired and wireless. I am only trying the USB A port.
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