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  1. Jto


    Have the bonnet open I think I see this at the dealership when having the car serviced.
  2. Jto


    Turn the heating up will start the engine and will override the EV button.
  3. Jto

    TPMS Problem

    Check all four tyre pressures that they are correct then drive the car if they do not return to normal than it’s a trip to the dealer.
  4. Jto

    A quick question

    Condensation from the HV battery coolant
  5. Jto

    No technical help!

    I have not looked but if you can hire ramp time getting up in the air you may be able to get to the holders, I can see them taking a part in the workshop to do a small job. I would first have a feel round by laying on my back under the car to see if you can feel the holders.
  6. Jto

    Charging in rain with granny charger. Any problems?

    If you which have a cove as extra protection look on eBay
  7. Jto

    Charging in rain with granny charger. Any problems?

    Just make sure that the plug and socket are kept dry the charge is water proof, I have charged for over two year with no problems but did buy a cover for the car charging opening to keep rain snow and frost off.
  8. Jto

    HV battery shut off

    You may have pressed the start button and not had your foot on the brake so will get that message, did you try again and it came to ready.
  9. Jto

    Rear washer stopped working - brake system to be stripped to repair

    Hi Been looking at a Citron C4 EV and got a price from them, are they a good company?
  10. Jto

    When will the I-smart app be available for the MG EHS europe

    There is no hardware to run any check the app can do so the app will not work on this car.
  11. Jto

    When will the I-smart app be available for the MG EHS europe

    This has come up a few times over the years and the answer is definitely no.
  12. Jto

    When will the I-smart app be available for the MG EHS europe

    There is no hard ware in the to do that so will not be able to use app
  13. Jto

    "Connected Not Charging"

    Just a thought, I used a charger in a car park and it kept saying not charging. It turned out that the card I had on the account was out of date so could not take any money. If not using contactless and using account make sure you card is up to date.
  14. Jto

    Yes you can drive through big puddles.

    I think I seen somewhere or heard that your insurance will not cover you for drive through deep water as this can be avoided by turning around. It’s also dangerous to drive or walk through deep water as manholes cover will be lifted and your or your could end up down them.
  15. Jto

    Mg hs phev: EV mode default

    Then all want to drive in EV all of the time should have purchased a full EV car, at the time the rage was not very good when I purchased my car if I could afford one now then I would change over now as the rage is a lot better and the charging infrastructure is getting better.
  16. Jto

    Impending 12V death or glitch/sensor malfunction?

    If you not replaced it yet I would use a 12V charger on it, if after a few days it come up with the message again then replace.
  17. Jto

    HS Charging Problems

    When you plug the car in do you see the car where you see the speed and power meter. If so check that you see that on the back of the car you will see a power lead turn green and shows power going into the car. On the other side you will see it give you a time it takes to charge the car and says...
  18. Jto

    MG Uk pulling out of small dealers

    Mg are removing because of sale numbers a local large dealer has a target of a few hundred and my dealer did several hundred and now is over the thousand.
  19. Jto

    Rear washer stopped working - brake system to be stripped to repair

    Just out of interest is the good deal a small one and the not good one a larger dealer.
  20. Jto

    MG Uk pulling out of small dealers

    After a letter from MG and conversation with my dealer it has come to my notice the MG uk are pulling out of small dealerships for sale of new cars in favour of the larger dealerships. The small dealerships seem to keep the service side of the operation which I think is because there would not...
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