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  1. Mennox

    Water under front passenger wheel arch....

    Hi all, Been quiet for a while but thought I would check whether this is an issue or not. I have noticed this for a while, pretty much every time I go out for a drive and come back home, there is a small patch of water just under the front passenger wheel arch... ...I have thought whether its...
  2. Mennox

    Thank you MG, for this glorious XPower

    So I was diagnosed with OCD and social anxiety 15 years ago and I have really struggled with the anxiety part for a few years now, where it has got to a point i'd rarely leave the house...even though I have owned a car since passing my driving test during this period. They have all been old...
  3. Mennox

    MG4 XPower - AC Current rate (8a) reset itself to AC Current, potentially tripping circuit?

    Got my MG4 XPower last week and and will be granny charging long term. Used an outdoor weatherproof extension cable (through the window) from Amazon for the first several days by connecting it to a socket in my living room....the circuit for the living room tripped whilst on charge so assuming...
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