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  1. S

    First cold weather in my trophy and 25% reduction in range

    Picked up my mg4 trophy in April 23 and have been able to achieve 4 miles per kW hour without even trying. So I am amazed how hard I have to try to get 3 miles per kW hour now its hovering around 0 ? Obviously cold weather is not a friend of my lovely EV
  2. S

    3 week 1500 mile trip in france with my MG4 trophy

    Firstly my January 23 trophy behaved perfectly, even in 35 degrees. France is the place to go in an EV so many charging places and so much cheaper than here. Top tips from me get a chargemap and Reveo RFID card they make it so easy. The cost of the card is nothing when you can get charged for...
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