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  1. N

    MG4 & Ohme Home Pro Charging Rate?

    Boo, why read something when you can get others to do it for you! :ROFLMAO:
  2. N

    MG4 & Ohme Home Pro Charging Rate?

    Is that based on some other setting in the Ohme app to determine when Octopus is 'allowing' the charge?
  3. N

    MG4 & Ohme Home Pro Charging Rate?

    Thanks for that, that mostly matches my setup but a few new things to look at I hadn't noticed :) Overnight it did trigger the charge which was a nice relief to see this morning :p So I think my issue/what I saw yesterday is that if the OHP is in 'Max Charge' mode (so a true 'dumb charger') it...
  4. N

    MG4 & Ohme Home Pro Charging Rate?

    Sorry in advance for kinda hijacking your thread but also hoping you'll have the answer for me hence posting here... Got my MG4 today and had an Ohme Home Pro fitted a couple of weeks ago in anticipation, also just switched to the Intelligent Octopus tariff so should be all good to go...
  5. N

    Any Orange Trophy orders still outstanding?

    Picked up mine today as previously posted, handover went fine, got the app sorted out (eventually, bit flaky but part of that was my mobile reception before connecting to the dealer wifi) and all looks good so far... Planning a long-ish trip to see family tomorrow so jumping right in ? When...
  6. N

    Any Orange Trophy orders still outstanding?

    Posted in the shipment thread but got a call on Tuesday that my Orange Trophy had turned up at the dealers, finance stuff signed and picking it up on Tuesday 4th April, ordered 12th December so 16 weeks I think that is... crazy that others are taking way longer!
  7. N

    New MG4 Shipment?

    Me too ? Arrived this afternoon and just got back from signing the finance papers, should be picking it up next Tuesday afternoon ?
  8. N

    New MG4 Shipment?

    12th December, so end of the month will be ~16 weeks, I was tol 16-20 weeks when I ordered but kinda expected it might be more...
  9. N

    New MG4 Shipment?

    Spoke to my dealer today and, allegedly, my Orange Trophy order is on the ship and due in the country 'soon' (think I've seen mention of one on the 20th?) so maybe available by the end of the month. Maybe. Allegedly... :p
  10. N

    Electricity tarrifs Octopus go Vs intelligent MG4 compatibility

    True, which also means my calculations aren't 100% relevant to dido. For me, my usage is pretty low overall (and is included in that calculation), no dishwasher so only thing to potentially time-shift would be washing machine and frankly I'm not gonna do that :p I'll wash stuff as/when I get...
  11. N

    Electricity tarrifs Octopus go Vs intelligent MG4 compatibility

    The MG4 isn't listed as a compatible car for Octopus Intelligent, I'm not sure I see that changing, you can use it via the Ohme Pro charger but as you've just had a different charger fitted that would be a massive waste really... The Octopus Go tariff is pretty good too really, I made a...
  12. N

    Positive Vibes for the MG4

    I ordered my MG4 yesterday, Orange Trophy, been told 16-20 weeks for delivery, so end of April, kinda hoping for earlier but whatever :p I was unsure really given the issues noted so far but eventually I decided that with the exception of the key issue they were minor enough to 'deal with' (as...
  13. N

    MG4 Rival ?

    That article seems to be a whole lot of assumptions and conjecture, or a whole lot of nothing depending how you view it... Are Tesla working on a cheaper car, sure, but considering the '$35,000' Model 3 that is somehow actually £48,000 leaves a lot of scope for 'cheaper' that's still way more...
  14. N

    MG4 LFP/NMC batteries

    Whilst I'm not disputing the results of that study, LFP batteries definitely have their benefits, but in the context of EVs and more specifically the MG4 it's a missing a bit of context, imo. The LR/Trophy (e.g NMC) batteries are bigger and so can be capped to 80% in general use to provide the...
  15. N

    Golf Clubs

    Is that with the floor raised or not? I found with the floor raised the driver actually fit quite nicely at the 'back' of the boot (as in near the opening) with the head in one of the side pocket areas if that makes sense? Also what boot liner/mat did yoy get, looks quite nice?
  16. N

    Mg4 SR battery capacity

    Gearing won't make any difference whatsoever, the 'issue' is purely the energy density of the batteries. Saying that you originally mentioned seeing a 'range' (presumably from the 'guessometer') of 120-130, based off doing a 9 mile trip to work, and I'm assuming that you've got the SR so that...
  17. N

    MG4 Software Update Thread

    Interesting with what you said on the ACC, I had an extended test drive today and tried ACC and was a little bit underwhelmed, similar to your comments really even including one 'phantom braking' in a 40 limit A road, and even when it worked it was a little laggy/harsh...
  18. N

    MG4 Reviews from various online publications

    99% sure that's where the latch mechanism is/goes to lock it upright
  19. N

    Nov 17th Budget - Tax impact for EVs

    The emissions test in an MOT doesn't give a 'g/km' CO2 figure that related to VED in any way, I believe any petrol since 1992 has the same limits on that test as well.
  20. N

    Nov 17th Budget - Tax impact for EVs

    As has been mentioned before the "whole emission rating scheme" was actually replaced with something else in 2017. It's not in conflict with how VED rates are currently set.
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