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  1. CraigInnes

    Blinded by the price!

    Hard sell with me anyway - I couldn’t be less interested in a Tesla. Boring characterless boxes. Think it would be near the bottom of my “want” list.
  2. CraigInnes

    Blinded by the price!

    What percentage of folk do we think will buy a MG 4 XPower outright? I’d hazard a guess that it would be no more than 10%. Personally, I’d go nowhere near any EV without warranty.
  3. CraigInnes

    MG4 X-Power waiting area

    I had zero idea that they had a Born. Only became apparent after I mentioned Halfords (a comment I stand by). I joined up here this week and haven’t had time to trawl through the many thousands of posts by any particular poster. Some people are just a touch insecure / sensitive and nothing can...
  4. CraigInnes

    MG4 X-Power waiting area

    As a newbie I can’t comment on the value that’s previously been added, but that value becomes diluted with negative repetition which is what newcomers will be seeing. All for having your say, but there’s surely a line to be drawn for their and everyone else’s sanity.
  5. CraigInnes

    MG4 X-Power waiting area

    Cool. As long as you are happy with your car tis all that matters. I don’t mind the “callipers”, but if I do when I get one I’m sure they can be removed. Rest of the car is as subtle as they come for a performance variant, which is good. Certainly couldn’t be accused of being all show and no go.
  6. CraigInnes

    MG4 X-Power waiting area

    You have a Born? Sorry for pointing that out then. Touched a nerve…..
  7. CraigInnes

    MG4 X-Power waiting area

    What have they changed? Was awful on the Formentor - just didn’t work, constant failures, zero ability from dealerships to diagnose / rectify. Got out of that very quickly - awful cars. Had a look at a Born and couldn’t get over two things - the system was basically the same (albeit without...
  8. CraigInnes

    MG4 X-Power Orders & Delivery

    Aberdeen dealership advised similar. He had just processed an order before I arrived for a green car and it was delivery end September. I asked if that was down to it being an exclusive paint and them pre-ordering them in that colour and he said an orange one was the same 5 week delivery on...
  9. CraigInnes

    MG4 X-Power waiting area

    Had a test drive today for an hour. Green car, paint looks great. I don’t even mind the calliper covers - had a good poke around them and they aren’t as cheap as I expected. Car drives very well. I’ve had many hot hatches / performance cars over the years and the pace this car has is...
  10. CraigInnes

    MG4 X-Power Orders & Delivery

    Test drive Friday and if that goes well my Tusker order will be confirmed over the weekend. Going for Racing Green or Camden Grey. Would be happy with an April delivery so we are into the new tax year!
  11. CraigInnes

    MG4 X-Power waiting area

    Increased wind / air flow noise…….
  12. CraigInnes

    MG4 X-Power waiting area

    did just that - price locked in and test drive at my local MG Friday. Will decide after that. At zero deposit / £351pm it almost seems like a no brainer (when including insurance, servicing, tyres, tax when it kicks in). Here’s hoping it drives okay…….
  13. CraigInnes

    MG4 X-Power waiting area

    Thinking about ordering one through my salary sacrifice scheme at work. £342 per month (after tax etc) sound okay? 3 years, 7500 miles. I’ve yet to investigate pcp deals. Trophy looks like it’s £431 per month. Strange pricing but makes me think I should lock in the XPower now! Delivery in 30...
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