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  1. M

    Locked in my MG4 & unable to escape - Serious Safety Issue

    I still can not believe this is happening my car was the first one to have the software update back in start December before the recall update was released.and now near 7months later it is still happening to people.and also the oil leak is still happening to people it’s crazy. the customer...
  2. M

    MG4 Reduction Gearbox Oil Leak

    Revised version of a revised version which still fails did on mine anyway unless there has been another revision version 4. good luck.they will underfill and send you on your way seems to be the fix
  3. M

    MG4 Reduction Gearbox Oil Leak

    as you are aware mine is now rejected.but the response back from mg was to retry a new breather again I have refused as this issue does not seem to be resolving at all anytime soon.and now new build cars are the same issue it’s shocking the customer service has been awful hope everyone gets...
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    MG4 Reduction Gearbox Oil Leak

    I heard the new batch builds have been redesigned but how true this is I don’t know.the first batch seem to be the vehicles giving the issues
  5. M

    MG4 Reduction Gearbox Oil Leak

    Update on engineer report been out over weekend car is now in for said he is fed up off visiting mg cars for rejection.oil leak is worse than original breather pipe has failed car covered underneath I will upload the report when I receive it with his comments Just to add to it...
  6. M

    MG4 Reduction Gearbox Oil Leak

    That’s why I didn’t get the Niro ev as was very long wait and 13k more than mg4 but wish I did go for the Niro ev.have you seen the ev5 Kia have announced it looks great.Niro ev has some bargain second hand ones but all seem to be the 2 spec I’m looking for the 3/4 spec not seen any those 2nd...
  7. M

    MG4 Reduction Gearbox Oil Leak

    I have already got a new car while my mg4 is sat on the driveway leaking.I’m driving a 2006 plate Vauxhall meriva now and love it lol.I’m waiting for Kia’s ev9 or ev5 next as I already have a Kia and get great customer service and great cars had 4 in the past shouldn’t have gone mg4.but the ng4...
  8. M

    MG4 Reduction Gearbox Oil Leak

    Hopefully mine will be gone next week I can’t wait to get rid.already ordered my next ev car Kia ev9 as soon as it goes into production.but now I’m back in my old 2006 Vauxhall while the mg4 is stuck on the driveway pissing oil out again oh n paying for it still aswell
  9. M

    MG4 Reduction Gearbox Oil Leak

    can’t wait till mine goes soon
  10. M

    MG4 Reduction Gearbox Oil Leak

    Yes I will share there findings when they do the investigation on Tuesday
  11. M

    MG4 Reduction Gearbox Oil Leak

    It’s good that you have created a solution to the problem but as owners shouldn’t be having to do that in the process potentially voiding warranty it’s crazy that mg don’t care about this issue
  12. M

    MG4 Reduction Gearbox Oil Leak

    I am the same software is poor but can live with it but my car underneath is covered this time.also had power failure issues lock in issues
  13. M

    MG4 Reduction Gearbox Oil Leak

    The modified breather has failed mine has been inspected and is being inspected again on Tuesday by independent engineers dealer has been useless at best they said there is another modified pipe v3 car is in for rejection can’t continue with all the issues I have had from 26 weeks ownership it...
  14. M

    MG4 Reduction Gearbox Oil Leak

    The things is people tend to voice more concerns over frustration I myself have had a nightmare experience while others have had great service.the car itself is a good car minus my faults if it wasn’t for the no/seriousness it would be a mega car to though need to up there customer...
  15. M

    MG4 Reduction Gearbox Oil Leak

    Hit the nail on the head the car itself is a great ride and is locked by many many issues in my case.after service is shocking I have a Kia also which the service is impeccable you become a part of the family they remember you and build a good lasting relationship only reason I went mg was the...
  16. M

    MG4 Reduction Gearbox Oil Leak

    Mg4 is the worst car I have ever bought from service to quality it’s dreadful had it 6 months car been in dealership 3 months solid now being fixed my car has been a nightmare and still ongoing loosing sleep every night long story lots issues fobbed off no after care or considerations. Not even...
  17. M

    MG4 Reduction Gearbox Oil Leak

    Mine is now in for rejection over oil leak been repaired 2 times and leaks still dealer fobbed me off said it won’t be a issue I didn’t buy a car to leak oil everywhere and keep having new designed breathers that fail it’s a enclosed unit.being independently inspected my car next week with a...
  18. M

    This will not help the brand one bit

    I am the same oil leak is now 3rd time happening in for rejection been to 2 diffrent dealers.when locking in my dealer laughed at me said it wasn’t urgent fox tried to explain he just. Laughed. Great service car been in garage 3 months from 5 ownership still oil leaking mg lacks customer...
  19. M

    MG4 Restricted speed - weird

    The born looks great a friend mine has one he loves it I’m actually driving a Vauxhall meriva that is 16 years old has 120k miles on it and prefer it to my mg4 lol Thanks for the info on rejecting etc don’t forget no speeding in that borne or the power might restrict lol oh sorry that’s just a...
  20. M

    MG4 Restricted speed - weird

    that’s good I have done 1100 in mine been off the road for 3 months from 5 ownership been nothing but nightmare hopefully they will pay back the deposit also bet your glad to be shut I just hope mine is accepted for rejection with all the issues Iv had it’s a nightmare
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