Search results

  1. Pianoman

    Would you buy an MG 4 again?

    I still say it's pot luck whether you get a good dealer or not no matter what make of car. E.g. I will NEVER buy a merc as I was snubbed many years ago by them. Grrr! ( but I'm not bitter)
  2. Pianoman

    Nice and Tidy?

    Me three!
  3. Pianoman

    Nice and Tidy?

    Yes. Using mobile phone. Not seen an edit button.
  4. Pianoman

    MG4 Mudflaps

    I did think it wouldn't make much difference but still curious. I've ordered some so soon find out.
  5. Pianoman

    Good emergency stop (not "computer says" for a change)

    You be sure I'll be on the lookout from now on! ?
  6. Pianoman

    MG4 Mudflaps

    Looks great but what about loss of range....much difference?
  7. Pianoman

    Yellow battery gauge

    Good to know we have someone that speaks fluent MG. ? do you have a 24hr hotline? ?
  8. Pianoman

    Good emergency stop (not "computer says" for a change)

    Well.... we had our first AEB encounter today. (I suspect it won't be the last) I'll keep it short ? On a long straight 40 mph speed limit, man in front decided to park half off road. (On a B road) near Louth actually. Wife was driving and slowly pulled up behind as we still couldn't pass...
  9. Pianoman

    Would you buy an MG 4 again?

    Cor blimey! Which dealer was that? (Not tested our dealer yet by the way ?)
  10. Pianoman

    Nice and Tidy?

    I've always known about not leaving ANY coiled wire while in use. Don't know where I got it from, possibly caravanning with my parents? It's well known if you're a caravanner. My zappi charger can take a long time to charge as its set to only use spare solar. But its all free and worth waiting...
  11. Pianoman

    Nice and Tidy?

    I was simply curious as to how long it would take to granny charge. You have satisfied that curiosity perfectly. Thankyou. ? So regardless of renting from the council or not, you will definitely need to be insured against liability. I know this as I had a house where people (to 2 other...
  12. Pianoman

    Would you buy an MG 4 again?

    Hmmm. I assumed the data stick isn't one you can just buy. I assumed it was a special one from MG China with specific data on it, surely they're not that stupid? ?
  13. Pianoman

    Nice and Tidy?

    How long does it take? Oh and, does your insurance cover you for public liability?
  14. Pianoman

    Are the auto lights linked to the clock?…

    Brilliant! Thanks diggsy
  15. Pianoman

    Are the auto lights linked to the clock?…

    How do I put anything other than a ?in the box?
  16. Pianoman

    Would you buy an MG 4 again?

    Proving the point that all manufacturers have bad cars etc!
  17. Pianoman

    Would you buy an MG 4 again?

    Yes. I would buy another MG4. ? If you can reject do it and go to another dealer (recommended). I just wonder whether the price will have gone up though? ? Apology accepted. ?
  18. Pianoman

    Are the auto lights linked to the clock?…

    Thanks rolfe
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