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  1. A

    aawireless blues

    Yes that's why I like them :) I've not done any significantly long trips since adding the AA wireless dongle so I am still in the testing phase. In most respects it works fine, connecting soon after entering the car. Currently two issues, 1: it occasionally decides not connect at all...
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    aawireless blues

    Interesting, I get this on my setup with the Moto G6 too. I haven't had the time or inclination to investigate the cause but thanks Smokie it looks like you have saved me the bother :) I despair at these software types who think catastrophic failure on error is acceptable. Sadly it looks like...
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    Winter Charging

    I have a Zappi and Octopus Go. Put the full 4 hours in the car (5 LR) last night and the recorded total charge supplied was lower than usual. Not by a massive amount but enough to make me check the recorded data. Charge started at approx 7kW as usual but after 3 hours throttled back to 5kW...
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    Reversing Camera View

    Interesting :unsure: Thanks Moth Perhaps mine was not aligned correctly and now it is, I doubt the camera has any adjustment designed in.
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    Reversing Camera View

    Now here is an odd one. I don't use the reversing camera much but I have noticed recently that the image now shows the top edge of the rear never did before (car is coming up to its first birthday). My obvious thought is that the camera has moved in its housing in some way (the...
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    MG4 LFP/NMC batteries

    With Lithium cells1 cycle is usually classed as 0% to 100% As mentioned above pretty much all of these quoted battery performance tables are based on lab tests of single comercial cells, I have yet to see a fully documented test of an automotive grade battery pack which would have considerably...
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    DIY V2L cable

    It is quite possible that the output from the car is 220 Volts, which would give a lower power output on a simple fan heater. Have you got a plug in power meter you could test it with, handy devices and pretty cheap to buy
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    Help with experiment (autolights)

    Can't say for sure* ref the MG 5 but in past vehicles these round sensors on the dash are "sunshine detectors for the aircon". It's more likely the lights are detected from a screen mounted detector. Just for the record my previous Skoda Fabia III auto lights were probably worse than the MG...
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    MG4 Reduction Gearbox Oil Leak

    OK check valve maybe the wrong term here but some sort of baffle that would be designed to pass air not great globs of oil ....all speculation of course :)
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    aawireless blues

    Me too thanks (y)
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    aawireless blues

    OK fixed that too now :) Removing the microphone permission then resetting it got the audio back onto the car. Seems like the permissions are a bit buggy on my setup, but just pleased it's all working. I think it's time for a pint, Cheers
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    MG4 Reduction Gearbox Oil Leak

    Here is a thought, pondering the facts as we know them, it occurs to me very likely the breather pipe will have some sort of check valve to prevent oil mist (droplets) from being ejected in normal use. If indeed the oil level has be too high forcing oil out of the breather it could damage such a...
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    aawireless blues

    Woo Hoo its working! Well mostly After uninstalling AA and aawireless & resetting the dongle it still hung during the install but after some investigation I found the permissions on the phone were not correctly set despite having set them in aawireless, after removing and resetting the...
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    aawireless blues

    I only change phones when I feel I have too and my wife gets my cast offs. so the Moto G6 is the newest in the house. Is a miserable wet day today here so what better than to sit in the car and do battle with some flakey software. I will let you know if it works :)
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    aawireless blues

    Wow thats a lot to be going on with :) thanks I always run my phones in "in default mode" and avoid installing unnecessary apps but I will see if anything bad has slipped in there. After a fruitless session last night I had a go again this evening starting from scratch: Uninstalled and...
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    aawireless blues

    Hmm well that's a few more hours of my life wasted, I should have done some proper research. It's only really android 11 that supports the wireless function, its hit and miss with anything else....mostly miss. I guess it will have to go in the draw until I am forced to buy a new phone :( Thanks...
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    aawireless blues

    Excellent, thank you. Interesting that it drops the bluetooth connection after the wifi has connected I am seeing that which confused me somewhat. So my hunch may be right as my phone is linked to the car its stopping the dongle making a connection to my phone. Can't understand why the car...
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    aawireless blues

    That worked thanks :) Interesting install, might get one of those right angle usb leads, the one I purchased goes the wrong way :rolleyes:
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    aawireless blues

    Thanks folks, I will try forcing it to 2.4 gHz , its got to be worth a go :) I kind of assumed the "startup" cycle would be for the phone to link to the dongle Bluetooth first then initialise the wifi link, really not sure where the car Bluetooth connection would come into that though? That...
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    aawireless blues

    Calling out to anyone using the aawireless unit successfully (or not) on the MG5 (LR in my case). I decided to go with one of these in the hope that it would resolve the random AA disconnects /no connects that plague me when connected by cabled USB (oh yes I have tried all sorts of cables)...
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