very sorry for you experiences. it seems you got the first batch of the lot. it is unfortunate that the MG basecamp ( china) is not prepared to the fullest BEFORE selling their car.
i have to wait for the V2l, wall charger, ismart Tbox upgrade hardware and software.. and its been 2 months...
Mg4 is my 3rd EV...still have an old E55 AMG and an Audi TT 3.2 in the car... somehow i haven't missed them yet...1 thing fosho, i don't miss waiting in line at the pump tho haha
hmm my SR regen works even above 95% in fact everytime i start the car. the regen is always the strongest and i feel it because i always switch it back to medium or 1 less than.
i dont have access to ismart app yet..
but can we turn on the car with the app. something about preheating or cooling cabin...
then we could turn the car on with hetinf/cooling maybe once every 3 days for a good 10 minutes or something.
i have the same issue with qr code not identified. i bought a thailand made mg4 in indonesia. the dealer told me it needs to be updated software to my local version of the ismart needs a different hardware box under the glove box. so yeah. if ure in the UK. you should be able to bind it...
haha i was thinking..
should i buy a voltage regulator and tweak the settings to about 250volts...since the oem port charger is rated up to 260volts.
this way...
250volts x 9 amp = 2.25kwh charging speed hahaha
then i saw the price of a regulator that can do 3kw rating.. i said nope... lol
i think... ure right.. its the limitation on the software on the SR. both LR and Extended share the 400v architecture... why are they getting 140kw while we're stuck at 90kwh...
edit: could it be the NMC chemistry battery is able to withstand more bang than the LFP battery?
now that i have crunch simple math..
we know that
watt= volts x amps.
we know that our car is 51kwh battery is 400 volts arhitecture.
so back to the previous broschure data. we can charge up to max speed of 117 kwh.
that means. the rapid charger cable and configs needs to be at least.
if your cable says max 32amp 250v. means it can allow maximum of 8000watt.. if ur home plug has a circuit breaker of 32amp. ull be able to test and see that the car is receiving 8kwh+_ 5-10% efficiency loss.
i thought our car only came with a type 2 ac portable charger? When u say u have a type 2cable..and plugged into a 22kW charging station...quite dont get it...
dont the 22kW charger station has their own plug thats attached to the charger like the normal public charger. so dont quite understand...
So if I we're to use a 32a charger.
At 220v... tho the current is drawn at 7040 watt but the onboard charger can only maxed out at 6600 netting me a Loss of 440wh?
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