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  1. F

    MG4: Drag, Various Conditions

    The point is that you contradicted my post by saying that the figure should have been 5.98 kWh. Which was INCORRECT - hence my response. You then admitted your mistake, so I repeated the the figure of 1.5kWh as being the correct one, and not 5.98kWh. But it's apparent that you edited your...
  2. F

    MG4: Drag, Various Conditions

    OK, as at least one FM is now feeling confused, I'll repeat, the correct figure is: ~ 1.5kWh per 1000 feet.
  3. F

    MG4: Drag, Various Conditions

    No it's not - I think you've mixed up hours and seconds. Edit: in response to @wattmatters' comment.
  4. F

    MG4: Drag, Various Conditions

    Yes, as I said, the energy per 100 miles is a more useful figure (as it has a more direct relationship to range - which very much is a limitation). By the way, the energy figure for lifting an MG4 1000 feet is about 1.5 kWh. (Not a lot of people know that!)
  5. F

    MG4: Drag, Various Conditions

    What I was saying was that weight isn't a factor which affects drag - and the figures are for aerodynamic drag only. Energy required to overcome rolling resistance (which is pretty much constant for a given weight over a given distance/route) and in changing speed are of course extra.
  6. F

    Putting a figure on wind resistance

    You both may find this interesting:
  7. F

    Do you use AC in winter?

    I don't think you need to worry about seals in the case of A/C in EVs (or hybrids), as they are self-contained with internal electrically-powered compressors (like a domestic fridge) - unlike ICE cars, where compressors are driven mechanically via an external pulley driven by the engine.
  8. F

    MG4 power %?

    EVs' motors are torque-limited (i.e. constant-torque) at low-speeds, and power-limited (constant-power) at high speeds. There is also the motor temperature factor - the quoted maximum power is, I believe, a peak power figure. As to how long you can maintain that - it doesn't seem to be well...
  9. F

    Range estimation at -30 celsius?

    Don't forget that, regardless of battery considerations, the increase in air density with colder temperatures will cause an increase in drag - expect at least 15% more drag at motorway speeds if it's -30C (compared with an air temperature of 15C). Since drag losses dominate at motorway speeds...
  10. F

    Is it possible to totally run an EV on just a Granny charger? ?

    There are safety issues with granny chargers: The UK earthing system is vulnerable to the loss of Neutral connection off-site. In this country, Neutral is earthed at the local substation, and that forms local Protective Earth, and if there's a break in the Neutral line to your premises, your...
  11. F

    E scooter in Aberystwyth

    An e-scooter? With those tiny wheels on our pot-holed roads? They're relatively unstable at the best of times! Even bicycles (e- or not) can be pretty dodgy when mixed with cars and lorries, but would be far preferable.
  12. F

    Poor efficiency (or is it just the cold?)

    I don't have an EV yet, but my neighbour's BMW i3's efficiency apparently responds hugely to preconditioning on cold (British) winter days - using mains energy to heat the battery while connected to the charger - before setting off. And, I believe, even using battery energy to precondition when...
  13. F

    Things I love (or don’t) about my new MG4 – very subjective!

    Any chance of a link? A widget that does the job competently sounds like a good idea to me! I think he meant the Austin Allegro (the Maestro's notorious predecessor)!
  14. F

    MG4 X Power Vibe/Hum 65 to 75mph

    Thing is, (suspension?) resonances need to be excited in order to be apparent. Maybe the excitation source is "cogging"? Or associated with the front axle alignment?
  15. F

    Something different on the 4

    Sounds like it might be out of balance (front) wheels. Take it to your local friendly tyre shop!
  16. F

    Poll: What’s your favourite colour MG4?

    From the web (and my memory), the MG4 available colours in the UK are (and I don't believe there are any alternative names for exactly those colours - save possibly Brighton Blue): ARCTIC WHITE. HOLBORN BLUE. PEARL BLACK. CAMDEN GREY. DYNAMIC RED. VOLCANO ORANGE
  17. F

    MG4 Rear Wing

    I think it's because there's a difference between a rear spoiler and a rear wing (a la F1 car). A lip spoiler will usually reduce drag by diminishing the low-pressure area behind the vehicle when it's moving at speed. The rear wing is a more elaborate affair, and is there to increase downforce...
  18. F

    MG4 Efficiency - am I doing something wrong?

    I'm by no means an expert (in fact I find the various opinions/instructions on this confusing), but isn't the advice different according to whether the battery is of LFC or NMC technology?
  19. F

    MG4 Efficiency - am I doing something wrong?

    Here are a few calculations I did regarding the energy needed to overcome aero drag at various airspeeds (i.e. taking into account wind speed, as well as road speed): In the context of a car using mostly regenerative...
  20. F

    MG4 Efficiency - am I doing something wrong?

    Well, Wikipedia says a car's air con will run at 3kW. If your car needs 30kW average power for normal driving, then you'd expect about 10% reduction in miles per kWh - so 4.4 goes down to around 4.0. Whether either of these assumptions is accurate, who knows? But the effect of running air con...
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