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  1. F

    The arguments for EVs over Hydrogen fuelled cars

    Air transport is the most problematic area when it comes to sustainable energy sources, as this thread has identified. An obvious solution would seem, at first glance, to be use of biofuel in existing engines. However, this would need about 1/3 of the World's landmass to be given over to its...
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    Does anyone have the indoor granny cable and use it outdoors?

    Can I point you at a thread covering the safety issues associated with "granny charging" - particularly outdoors: It's unlikely to happen, but the wrong kind of mains supply fault can easily result in a fatality. (It's...
  3. F

    Interesting piece on SE & Trophy battery comparison: Views welcome on 100% charge tolerance

    OK - thanks for that. Also, is it correct to say that the car will remind you when it needs such a charge?
  4. F

    Interesting piece on SE & Trophy battery comparison: Views welcome on 100% charge tolerance

    Am I correct in thinking that you need to allow for cell balancing from time to time, and that involves slow charging to 100% anyway?
  5. F

    MG4 Reduction Gearbox Oil Leak

    And are we confident the reduced fill is actually safe? Probably is, but we see no actual evidence, or even credible assurance.
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    MG4 Reduction Gearbox Oil Leak

    Yep - you can be resigned to the odd software bug as an early adopter (as long as it's not dangerous), but not something as fundamental as this (especially when the manufacturer appears strangely indifferent).
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    Granny home charging instead of Type 2?

    You're probably OK with a granny system - providing the wiring to the socket is sound and absolutely capable of handling the current. BUT consult a qualified electrician anyway!
  8. F

    MG4: Drag, Various Conditions

    The calculation is for steady speed only. Weight will affect normal day-to-day driving during acceleration and will affect rolling resistance too.
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    Granny home charging instead of Type 2?

    But the point is that the charge point will (or should) be protected against loss of earth - which is half of its role.
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    Granny home charging instead of Type 2?

    I think the idea is that the Type 2 charge point will allow faster charging - making it easier to take full advantage of the VERY attractive (but limited, time-wise) off-peak rates available from some providers.
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    Granny home charging instead of Type 2?

    (my bold) The problem is that one side of the battery (the negative side, say) will be connected to chassis, and if that isn't earthed, and the positive side is connected (via charger electronics) to line voltage - well the car body is effectively attached to line+battery voltage. Not at all...
  12. F

    MG4: Drag, Various Conditions

    I should point out that the figures apply to any car with the same aerodynamics as the MG4's stated cd and my estimated frontal area. And powered by any motor - electric, petrol, clockwork etc. etc. Weight is not, of course, a factor either.
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    MG4: Drag, Various Conditions

    I used this calculator: I was just going to compare power figures, but ended up calculating energy specific to a distance travelled (100 miles), as it's more useful.
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    MG4: Drag, Various Conditions

    I thought I'd have a look at the power levels needed to combat aerodynamic drag at constant road speeds, in various conditions. At high speed, these will dominate in economy terms, particularly if those conditions are adverse. To get the overall power level requirement, there'll be an added...
  15. F

    MG4 Mats Availability

    Quite. I should think, as specific-fit items, they are clearly defective, and should be returnable for a full refund. They're basing the requirement for non-use on distance-selling laws, which don't apply in this case.
  16. F

    What's your MG4 Motorway Efficiency & what Speed etc are you doing to get that ?

    I wonder if there's a correlation between economy and gearbox oil fill. Is there any hint that the prescribed "reduced fill" benefits economy?
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    Paint colour choices MG4

    Sounds quite alarming - even the first wash would seem like it could be problematic. Do you think it would be best to instruct the dealer to dispense with any body preparation prior to delivery?
  18. F

    Granny home charging instead of Type 2?

    Probably slightly less safe, and more prone to false triggers than monitoring and comparing true earth via a probe against mains earth.
  19. F

    Granny home charging instead of Type 2?

    Exactly! The problem is actually to do with the way we provide domestic earthing in the UK - which is via the Neutral line. If the Neutral connection gets broken (outside of the user's premises), then earthed appliances float up to line voltage. Which isn't too great a problem, as everything...
  20. F

    Granny home charging instead of Type 2?

    It seems that a lot of the problem with 13A-plug charging is the safety issue associated with loss of protective earth. Does anyone make an appropriate stand-alone circuit isolator which detects loss of earth? (Preferably using an earth monitor probe input.)
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