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  1. ukslim

    ABRP (A Better Route Planner) Range

    No, and I don't intend to because I don't make enough long journeys to justify the tinkering time, nor subscribing. I just use ABRP to plan journeys ahead.
  2. ukslim

    ABRP (A Better Route Planner) Range

    We drove Warwick to Legoland Windsor and back yesterday in our MG4 Trophy . ABRP advised me it was a total of 167 miles, and that starting at 100%, we'd get home on 5%. Or we could charge in Bicester for 7 minutes, adding 20 minutes to the total journey time, to get home on 12%. What actually...
  3. ukslim

    Ecumenical matters

    I think pagans go for pentagrams - five points and can be drawn without lifting the pen. Star of David is six points, two triangles.
  4. ukslim

    Software update woes broke my car

    My wife is currently nagging me to ask for a software update, because of DAB radio issues, mostly... I'm having doubts.
  5. ukslim

    MG4 Range

    I have my own Type 2 cable because the lease company chuck one in. Good thing too, because a lot of our charge is from my wife's workplace untethered AC charger. But IMO everyone should have one, and be in the habit of using public AC chargers in preference to DC chargers whenever you're not...
  6. ukslim

    Charging Using Intelligent Octopus Via Ohme Home Pro

    I have some sympathy for this, but I leave mine on "add 80%". I don't have the patience to check the SOC, subtract it from 80, and tell the Ohme, every time I plug in. I want to plug in and forget about it until morning. Call it an incentive for Ohme to sort out integration with the MG API --...
  7. ukslim

    MG4 Range

    I'll try those Superchargers next time I'm in Aber, I expect. There's also LOADS of chargers in the National Library car park. 9 DC, 30 AC. The DC ones are 75kW, not 50 as ZapMap claims. There's a cafe and exhibitions in the building, although closed on a Sunday, and a fantastic view over...
  8. ukslim

    Regenerative Braking

    I thought about this a bit more, while I was away from my desk for a bit... ? . There might be a minor case for coasting, but probably not enough to let it bother you unless you're really pushing for hypermiling marginal gains. Say you're driving into a biggish dip on a big road. There's a...
  9. ukslim

    Regenerative Braking

    The setting is all about how the pedal feels; how the position of the pedal maps to target speed, and nothing else. There is no such thing as coasting. There is only the car's perception of whether you want to go faster, slower, or the same, and it's action to get you there. Eco/Normal/Sport...
  10. ukslim

    New MG4 owner

    Since you can't at home, I'm interested in where you expect to charge day-to-day, what's the plan? Where do you normally park? I'm a strong advocate of destination charging for people who don't have off-street parking. I think that's going to address a lot more situations than putting kerbside...
  11. ukslim

    A long time on a granny lead

    Anyway, yeah, 7kW is fine for balance charging.
  12. ukslim

    A long time on a granny lead

    Ugh, the nomenclature is such a mess, and I don't know how it's going to get fixed, because what's done is done, and the names are out there: Slow: 3.5kW and below Fast: 7kW to 22kW Rapid: 50kW Ultra-rapid: 100kW and above It's just messy when there's no intuitive way to know "rapid" is...
  13. ukslim

    MG4 Trophy + Ohme Home Pro + Intelligent Octopus

    Contact Ohme. Their support is really good. You ought to get a notification from the Ohme app when you plug in, which says something like "We've calculated a schedule for your charge, and here it is", followed by a list of slots. And yes, you'd expect to see the Ohme app showing you cheap...
  14. ukslim

    LKA Lane Keep Assist - is MG Listening?

    There aren't enough star buttons for all the things I'd like to tweak. What it really needs is driver profiles. Default to LKA on, standard driving mode, all that, as NCAP wants. But on the home screen, first thing you see after startup, have big easy-to-tap onscreen buttons for "Driver 1"...
  15. ukslim

    Speed limit assistance system

    Thread necromancy, but am I understanding right that you choose between TJA and ACC in the settings, and then there's no way to switch between them while driving? I'd really like it to stop me exceeding 30 while in lots-of-parked-cars environments where ACC/TJA doesn't work well. But then I...
  16. ukslim

    MG4 Trophy + Ohme Home Pro + Intelligent Octopus

    Agree, but to avoid hassle, I'm comfortable with just leaving the Ohme with a "Add 80% by 7am" schedule all the time -- if I came home with less than 20% I might consider upping it, but that's rare. This always charges entirely at cheap rate, and of course it stops when the car stops accepting...
  17. ukslim

    How good is the MG4 at multiple rapid charges on a journey?

    Welwyn to Newquay would be a total of 34 minutes charging in an MG4 Trophy LR, during a 5 hour journey btw. That's starting with 80% and ending on 11%. You could do it all in a single stop, but here ABPR has suggested two stops -- I'd probably go with that (or more), to stretch my legs, and...
  18. ukslim

    mg4 2023 model V2L adapters/cables not working?

    It seems that V2L adapters are very simple things, but the car is very picky about the value of the resistor (I guess that resistance is what signals to the car that what's plugged in wants to be a V2L adapter). And I've heard of people buying ones from Alibaba etc. that have the wrong...
  19. ukslim

    How good is the MG4 at multiple rapid charges on a journey?

    I don't think any mainstream current model EV has this problem. Possibly excepting glorified e-Scooters like the Citroen Ami, but that's another category really.
  20. ukslim

    MG4 doesn't save driving mode!?

    A "load profile" option would be lovely. But don't expect any developments in a timescale of weeks.
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