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  1. Derek25

    Rear view camera - how do you use it?

    This is only going one way. We already have cars that use cameras instead of wing mirrors. Some cars even have rear cameras and no rear windscreen. Digital rear view cameras could actually provide a better and safer all-round view than existing rear mirrors or even from turning your head and...
  2. Derek25

    Picking up MG4 tomorrow - then straight on 500+ mile holiday trip

    Just be aware of the rapid charging curve. You won't charge quickly on a rapid if the battery is almost full. You get high speeds at a low state of charge and the speed backs off as the battery starts to fill. You won't see the highest speeds beyond 55% and it will really ramp down after 85%.
  3. Derek25

    Picking up MG4 tomorrow - then straight on 500+ mile holiday trip

    One more. Try out a rapid charger before your journey, even if only for a minute. Good to familiarise yourself before charging in earnest.
  4. Derek25

    Type 2 charging cable - MG v 3rd party - warranty?

    A cable is a cable. Plenty of decent ones on Ebay. I got a three phase one for £70. Three phase charging comes into its own when you're away from home and have access to 22kw charging. If you take your EV abroad, where 22kw is ubiquitous, that extra you pick up in an hour's charging is well...
  5. Derek25

    MG4 Range

    You'll never get a realistic figure on such a short drive. You should cycle it ?
  6. Derek25

    MG4 Range

    Yes, although even then you can get still get silly results. In my previous EV, I once did 125 miles at motorway speeds at 5.5 miles/kWh. It was France, high summer, and a leg of the journey from the very top of the Massif Central to near sea level. Height drop over 125 miles was 3,363ft ...
  7. Derek25

    MG4 Range

    But post an accumulated month of figures for all your driving and add something about the type of driving and conditions and it would be more real world. You’d see a big difference between January, when lots of short journeys are very inefficient because of use of heating, and June.
  8. Derek25

    MG4 Range

    This thread needs a reality check. Posting very short journeys with high efficiency is just not real world. Here’s my accumulated total for most of April. Mixed driving, local, A roads and motorway, normal use of heating and driving to speed limits. Some in horrendous weather, some in mild...
  9. Derek25

    Travel to France

    That sounds a bit flaky if that’s a typical cheap adapter you mean. You can get a schuko plug with a lead to a three pin socket. Try a camping or caravaning place. That would probably better. Otherwise, most French towns and large villages have type 2 chargepoints you could use while out and...
  10. Derek25

    Visiting France

    Standard type 2 is all you need. No different to the UK. It's worth having an RFID card such as Chargemap to start chargepoints. You can't charge with the Chargemap app but you can with other apps. Shell Recharge app and card is widely accepted in France.
  11. Derek25

    Visiting France

    Blackcurrants or redcurrants? ?
  12. Derek25

    Can’t disconnect from PodPoint charger

    With PodPoint, you have to stop the charge in the car. You're not the first to find stopping and releasing the cable awkward with PodPoint, even when you can stop it in the car.
  13. Derek25

    Tesla charging.

    There is definitely an issue with some MG models not working on the open superchargers. It's been widely commented on. It doesn't affect all MG models. The MG4 appears to be fine, for example, although I've yet to personally test mine.
  14. Derek25

    Has Anybody Else Had These Issues????

    I had a rattle in mine. I thought it was coming from the glove box area. Drove me mad trying to sort it out, mostly by taping up the aircon pipes under the glove box. Nothing worked. Turned out it was a pair of spectacles in the spectacles holder ?
  15. Derek25

    MG4 7 year warranty?

    I didn't doubt this would happen. It's the timescale I was disputing. Current production models will be around for at least ten years. That's the basic economics of production and return on investment. A step change in battery tech will come from solid state batteries. There isn't even a...
  16. Derek25

    MG4 7 year warranty?

    Where's the evidence that battery tech is changing so quickly? The MG4 pack size and range is little different to that of the 2019 e Niro.
  17. Derek25

    Charging speed

    That's great performance. Worth staying to 85%, which is more than enough to be on your way.
  18. Derek25

    Charging speed

    At what point did it drop from 57kw to 28kw?
  19. Derek25

    Lane assist in MG4 and Driving EVs in Europe

    Just make sure you have a decent RFID card for foreign travel, eg Electroverse and Shell Recharge. Also, consider Tesla app. I believe all the Tesla superchargers in Holland are open to all.
  20. Derek25

    Trophy still supports 3 phase AC charging ?

    Yep. Picked mine up last week and got 3 phase on a 22kw chargepoint
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