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  1. Tigger

    Remote defrosting via iSMART app

    Interesting. When I try to give my Trophy a second dose it won't do it. I get a nannying notice about not overheating or something. Why me?
  2. Tigger

    New to Android Auto - any tips?

    Yes, interesting. Unfortunately, my car is so inconsistent that I really can't make sense of what AA is doing - particularly with music. I think I'll wait till the software is updated before wasting any more time on it - it could be quite different :alien:
  3. Tigger

    New to Android Auto - any tips?

    i've been using Android Auto off and on for months, but it's a bit weird on my Trophy, and I'd like to work out what's going on before I get the dreaded software update next week. When I'm playing music from my phone on AA, everything is fine for a bit, then suddenly the volume drops. On...
  4. Tigger

    Front camera blocked error on a frosty day (UK)

    How do you set towing mode?
  5. Tigger

    Front camera blocked error on a frosty day (UK)

    My Trophy was fine last winter - look at the snow on the car in my avatar, that was in January. Not cold enough here yet for an update - we'll see . . .
  6. Tigger

    Heated Seats bug altered - not improved!

    That explains it. Anyway, well done for reporting it! (y)
  7. Tigger

    Heated Seats bug altered - not improved!

    Looks like it's universal. I wonder when they changed it? I haven't consciously updated the app, but maybe android did it automatically . . . What to do? If you want the driver's seat heated, turn on the passenger one. If you can't remember what the problem is, turn both seats on - that works...
  8. Tigger

    Heated Seats bug altered - not improved!

    My wife asked me to preheat the driver's seat from the app yesterday (the cold weather has reached London) but it didn't come on, despite the app saying it was on. Interesting - time to investigate. As I recall, the original bug with this function was that if you set the driver's seat to come...
  9. Tigger

    How quickly does your car fall asleep?

    Upstairs at the back of the house, in an empty Illy coffee tin as a Faraday cage! I keep the other key in another coffee tin when not in use. (We drink a lot of coffee . . . )
  10. Tigger

    How quickly does your car fall asleep?

    Update with more detail: Got it to go to sleep again (on the app) and tried unlocking the car from inside the house, using the key. It did not wake up, and after 30 seconds, the car locked itself again all on its own. Still asleep. I unlocked it once more, then re-locked it, both with the key...
  11. Tigger

    Sat nav problems entering destination text in English

    Yes, if I'd said 'The Red Lion' it would have taken me straight there! ;) An important point about using voice control for the satnav is that you can do it whilst driving along. Trying to key this in on the screen is somewhat dangerous.
  12. Tigger

    Sat nav problems entering destination text in English

    Good fix! I usually manage to enter the destination with voice commands, saying: "Navigate to Stanion" or using the postcode. However, it is a bit flaky. The other day I had to say "Dulwich Picture Gallery" three times before it got it . . .
  13. Tigger

    Ev charging for dummies...? from my American brother ?

    Yes, presumably the AI you used was trained on American voices! Still, it's not too offensive. Interesting that you just use a granny charger. I bought my wall box while I was waiting for my car to be delivered, and am very happy with it. I don't have the patience for the granny - I tried one...
  14. Tigger

    How quickly does your car fall asleep?

    Ok, I managed to get my Trophy to go to sleep (after 30 hours). So I tested waking it up by using the key to unlock it and relock it, without getting in the car, and it worked - it woke up! Why this procedure didnt work back in April, I have no idea.
  15. Tigger

    How quickly does your car fall asleep?

    Indeed. Back in April, my Trophy was all over the place, going to sleep in anything from 6 hours to 30. I have tried repeating this now, to check what I said earlier about waking up, but it won't go to sleep at all. After leaving it for 24 hours, then 30 with no joy, for my latest test I left it...
  16. Tigger

    MG4 Depreciation

    So what do you do for music?
  17. Tigger

    Podpoint and scheduled charging; app settings reverting

    If the comms error is on the Podpoint, I think it should default to on: blue light, with occasional red flash on the unit.
  18. Tigger

    Podpoint and scheduled charging; app settings reverting

    Why are you scheduling on both Podpoint and car? If you have set the Podpoint to charge between 0100 and 0600, you can just set the car to charge, plug in and go. Nothing will happen till 1am, then it will start charging. I have a Podpoint, and have done this in the past. However, I think there...
  19. Tigger

    How quickly does your car fall asleep?

    Something like that, yes! :devilish:
  20. Tigger

    How quickly does your car fall asleep?

    I tried unlocking and locking the car with the remote from the house, and it didn't wake up (Trophy). However, siteguru's car does wake up - just have to try it and see. Otherwise you'll have to brave storm Babet and go to the garage!
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