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  1. Tigger

    Scheduled Charge unscheduled?

    There's a slider under the battery image on the Target Battery Level page of the iSmart app. It goes up or down in 10% chunks. Mine is currently set at 70%. I wish I could use your solution to the scheduled charging problem. My Pod Point app claims to schedule charging, but nothing happens...
  2. Tigger

    MG4 Trophy Preheat Battery Help

    Thanks for posting that video, Pete, brilliant! Please let us know what happens with rapid charging when you try battery preconditioning . . .
  3. Tigger

    MG4 Trophy Preheat Battery Help

    If you are on a journey, and need a rapid charge, I assume you will have been driviing for some time. In this case, my understandiing is that the battery will already be warm, so no extra heating is necessary. Pre-heating is exactly that: heating a cold battery before you start your journey...
  4. Tigger

    MG4 Trophy Preheat Battery Help

    I was thinking about the advice Tesla gives in their manual about fast charging when the battery is cold: basically, don't do it! Here is what the manual says: "You can minimize the amount of charge time by using Trip Planner (if available in your market region) to warm the Battery while...
  5. Tigger

    MG4 Trophy Preheat Battery Help

    Very interesting. I have now repeated my experiment of yesterday without pre-heating the battery, and got much the same result as I got yesterday. I started off getting 2m/kw, but this cranked up to 2.6 by mile 3, then up to 3.2 by mile 4. I was going to post that pre-heating didn't seem to be...
  6. Tigger

    MG4 Trophy Preheat Battery Help

    I decided to test this today, as the temperature was -2C in London. First I did the standard 10 min AC warmup of the car - this cost me 1% range (=2 miles on my Trophy). I then did a 10 min battery warmup - this also cost me 1% range (2mi). After that I did an 18 mile journey, mixed conditions...
  7. Tigger

    Scheduled Charge unscheduled?

    Precidsely that also happened to me on one occasion. However, when I looked again on the app before I went to bed, it had reset itself to the correct programmed time (midnight in my case). Curiouser and curiouser. Maybe this always happens, so you have a limited time window to spot the default case.
  8. Tigger

    Charging efficiency

    Interesting. On one test I did on my Trophy, my Pod Point charger was delivering about 6.6kw, while the car registered 6.2kw, so efficiency 94%. However, it is difficult getting the gross figure right, because I have to subtract other electrical activity in the house from the meter reading.
  9. Tigger

    MG4 Range

    I am driving my MG4 trophy in NORMAL mode, with Strong regen, and am averaging about 3.2 miles/kw. My rule of thumb is that I will get 2 miles for each 1% of battery level. So if battery level is 50%, this will give me 100 miles range. On that basis, your 220 range is quite good. You could try...
  10. Tigger

    Preheating Heated Seats

    Yes, I tested this this morning. In the screenshot posted by johnnyc, what matters is the position of the seats. So turning on the right hand seat turns on the driver's seat in the UK. just ignore the word 'driver' in the display.
  11. Tigger

    Scheduled Charge unscheduled?

    On the last two occasions when I have attempted to do an overnight scheduled charge on my MG4 Trophy, the car has decided to jump the gun, and charge during the previous evening. Has anyone else experienced this? My theory is that this is caused by my opening up the ismart app. I do this to...
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