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  1. inshreds

    Reverse Camera SE LR

    I literally was about to post a picture myself, you beat me to it :)
  2. inshreds

    Tesco's 7Kw chargers

    Attempting to belittle someone in my book with an insult isn't going to go anywhere in making that person think you are anything but attempting to be superior You don't prove any point...condescending yet again. The privatisation of fuel is what has got this country into a mess to start with...
  3. inshreds

    Reverse Camera SE LR

    We are going to add this camera to ours when our ordered SE LR arrives. I am thinking of looking at mounting it at the bottom lip of the boot hatch maybe, If its backplate can be tucked inside the trim there maybe?
  4. inshreds

    Tesco's 7Kw chargers

    Bland comment....what makes you so superior ? there is one thing having an opinion, there is another when you try and attempt to belittle another on here of which I have had the common courtesy not to have done. Perhaps I should block you. Plenty of articles on cost of living in mainland...
  5. inshreds

    Tesco's 7Kw chargers

    I juat reiterate, if the question on subsidising cannot be answered by bringing in politics then like many other things in this country the Government in my opinion should be looking at how our European neighbours do things better and at a lower price, including the all important electricity...
  6. inshreds

    Tesco's 7Kw chargers

    Seems like your question in relation to why should the Government be subsidising really cannot be answered, argued, or discussed if politics has to be left out the discussion.
  7. inshreds

    Tesco's 7Kw chargers

    Apologies for seeing too many sensationalist Daily Mail articles. Perhaps my confusion lies in the word extortionate, feel free to defend the Government over my slander with that one.
  8. inshreds

    Tesco's 7Kw chargers

    Skirting around the main issue there..I was answering yourself on the mention of why the government should be subsidising. Unfortunately, they got us into the mess, unfortunately (or fortunately) non-ev cars are being phased out by 2030, and unfortunately we are paying greater than our European...
  9. inshreds

    Tesco's 7Kw chargers

    The government were the ones that allowed energy privatisation, that along with Brexit is why we are in this mess now. We shouldn't have to be paying more at our grocery stores than those in mainland Europe, is that much to expect or want?
  10. inshreds

    SE or Trophy

    My apologies, only just realised this is an MG5 thread, didn't realise model specs used the same terms.
  11. inshreds

    SE or Trophy

    My wife has gone for the SE LR on Motability, the advance payment disparity there was way too much between the two models when assessing the specs. £799 for the SE, £999 for the SE LR and £1999 for the Trophy. I find it frankly ridiculous that MG do not have at least a reversing camera as...
  12. inshreds

    Tesco's 7Kw chargers

    I personally have not expected to have free charging, just as you say subsidised costing and not allowing such extortion for sheer greed when you are out and about, and unnecessarily having to pay through the nose compared to European countries, or for that matter Scotland. We all can expect...
  13. inshreds

    Tesco's 7Kw chargers

    That is still a darn sight better than the rest of the Isles and only slightly more expensive than our former European neighbouring countries. It is not all about people expecting free and the Government footing the's all about extortion, the ridiculously slow uptake in the number of...
  14. inshreds

    Tesco's 7Kw chargers

    You make some very valid points for sure, however, assuming from your profile that you are based in Scotland you are in a far more enviable position with the annual access fee and 60% of public chargers being free to not even consider 'abusing the system'. The national government needs to do...
  15. inshreds

    MG4 EV - what's your favourite colour? Vote in the poll.

    We ordered as well as voted for the red here, looks lovely in person and will catch the light well showing off the cars angular design. To top it off alongside the orange it is the toughest paint. Personally I do like the blue, but noticed even in the showroom hairline scuffs from it being...
  16. inshreds

    Motability & MG4

    New member here, and coincidentally just as registering saw this thread. My wife has just ordered an MG4 today from our local dealer. Motability do not deal with pre-owned, it has to be new stock. A good dealer should tell you the estimated stock delivery lead time and I am somewhat surprised...
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