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  1. JohnInFrance

    April 2023 Electricity Prices

    Nice piece Brian, very interesting. Sadly, France getting it's nuclear s**t together anytime soon is unlikely. Half of the current 56 nuclear power stations remain shutdown for maintenance here and a few of those have been closed for 12 years now. There is also a problem with 'corrosion'...
  2. JohnInFrance

    Headlamp Adjustment (LHD/RHD)

    LOL. We'll just do what almost all continental driver do and ignore it anyhow.
  3. JohnInFrance

    MG4 Secret Menu Mode...

    Best guess = the PIN code you set on the app for stuff like lock/unlock etc.
  4. JohnInFrance

    How do I charge the car

    Why not contact Myenergi and ask them as they make it, surely that's the simplest answer? [email protected] or call on +44 (0)333-300-1303
  5. JohnInFrance

    Life with an EV in France?

    Life with an EV in France - probably not much difference to life with an EV anywhere else in Europe in general I'd guess? There are still really good incentives to purchase offered by the government; a €6k grant (dropping to €5k next year), €7k if you're a low wage worker on vehicles under...
  6. JohnInFrance

    USB cable keeps dropping connection - recommendations?

    Are you using a genuine Apple cable? We found that on Carplay the connection was only reliable with an Apple cable and the cheaper supermarket ones that we had didn't work well at all.
  7. JohnInFrance

    April 2023 Electricity Prices

    Hahaha .... yes, we have more nukes but ..... France has 56 nuclear reactors but it's an ageing infrastructure, having put no new commercial reactor into service for more than 20 years. Today, almost half of those 56 are at a standstill for maintenance, (some have been turned off for up to 12...
  8. JohnInFrance

    tinted rear window

    Crumbs, that must be a very dark after-market tint! (was it applied by the dealer perhaps?). We have a 75% tint on our rear windows and we can see other vehicles perfectly well behind us. Apologies for the filthy state of the car, but this is outside a hotel in Spain and shows our tint...
  9. JohnInFrance

    Faults after jump starting MG ZS EV

    It should be covered by the car's warranty (but you may want to think about not saying the doors were open and just stick with "the battery discharged" ;) )
  10. JohnInFrance

    April 2023 Electricity Prices

    I think it should be. As an example, prices have not risen here in France anywhere near as much as they have in the UK, but they have still risen and continue to do so with next year looking to be over twice the percentage rise as we saw this year, hence we have been making lots of small changes...
  11. JohnInFrance

    Can't adjust target battery level on iSmart?

    It's only on the LR, as it is for the ZS because the battery chemistry between the two differ and whilst the LFP battery in the SR can easily handle constantly being charged to 100% the NCM battery in the LR cannot and remains healthier if only charged to 80% unless it will be rapidly discharged...
  12. JohnInFrance

    April 2023 Electricity Prices

    And I agree and have no issue with that, it's nice to have an average figure, but it should be stressed every time this ficticious statement is made that's all this is, an indicitive figure and that each household's final bills are based upon a capped kW/h charge plus the standing charge and...
  13. JohnInFrance

    April 2023 Electricity Prices

    That's my point, this figure is being force-fed to people so violently that they actually believe it and I've not seen government or mainstream media doing anything to explain this is a 'best guess, average, middle-of-the-roadish' figure, not a cap. When someone says price cap to me, that...
  14. JohnInFrance

    April 2023 Electricity Prices

    Sorry, perhaps a little off topic, but at least loosly related, but why do the UK media (and the government it seems) insist on quoting this energy cap price as £2500/£3000 rather than what it actually is, a price per kW/h used plus the standing charge? Is this because they feel the public are...
  15. JohnInFrance

    Charge Flap snapped off - ZS EV Trophy

    As an aside, if anyone uses a Tesla supercharger be aware that, because they are designed for Teslas which generally have side-located charge ports, we noticed that the charging cables are quite short and you have to park very close to the charge point for the cabe to reach with enough slack for...
  16. JohnInFrance

    Live & Connected Services Expiry.

    We had a notice from our French SIM provider that 3G services are no longer available in the US when roaming as the US is/has turned off all their 3G infrastructure. Not relevant for the UK per-se, but if they are making a decision across all the providers in the US to stop 3G I'm sure it...
  17. JohnInFrance

    Nov 17th Budget - Tax impact for EVs

    Sure - not for this thread but if you want to kick something off in a new thread I can happily contribute; there are other French-based users here too who would I'm sure be able to add in useful info.
  18. JohnInFrance

    Nov 17th Budget - Tax impact for EVs

    Where's the fun if one doesn't? (and there's no political bias there, I'm a lifelong Conservative voter just for the record)
  19. JohnInFrance

    Specifications Country Differences

    Don't forget also that our versions here in Europe get the three-phase AC charger (11kW) whilst the UK versions only get single-phase (7.4kW).
  20. JohnInFrance

    Nov 17th Budget - Tax impact for EVs

    Here in France our Mayor does exactly that - it's not exacty free to all, you need to be registered and have an RFID card, and they don't explain how to do that - you either know (local) or you don't; but it's free and mainly generated by renewables (we have many, many solar panels and live in a...
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