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  1. JohnInFrance

    Nov 17th Budget - Tax impact for EVs

    Yes, we will and why shouldn't they? When fuel duty brings in around £30 billion in taxes per year, if the demand goes down, the tax take goes down and thus it has to be found from other places. Much as I'm a fan of lowering taxes for all, I think we're all realists and know that that is just...
  2. JohnInFrance

    Nov 17th Budget - Tax impact for EVs

    Agreed, EVs should pay VED and this should steer back onto topic of the changes announced in the Autumn Statement. However, paying VED will not fill the gap of missing fuel duty on the tax-take if, as the government believe, "50% of new vehicles regsitered in 2025 will be electric" - the hole...
  3. JohnInFrance

    Heat pump, solar and wall battery is this the future?

    We listened to a really interesting BBC podcast on heat pumps in the summer, I've just googled it again because it had some exceptionally interesting advice on things you need to ensure that are in place in your home before choosing to replace a 'conventional' boiler with an air source heat...
  4. JohnInFrance

    Nov 17th Budget - Tax impact for EVs

    It never has been. Taxpayers don't have the ability to chose how their tax is spent other than via the ballot box every now and again; it's always been a relativly small group of civil servents who advise whatever flavour of government is in place on how to achieve (or not) the targets they set...
  5. JohnInFrance

    Nov 17th Budget - Tax impact for EVs

    I am SO glad that I am not the only person in the world who equates things in pints of beer! :) However, VED is one thing, but the hole the governemnt has to fill is (approx.) £1400/year per car assuming 50% of new cars registered in 2025 are electric - so expect further announcements on this...
  6. JohnInFrance

    Nov 17th Budget - Tax impact for EVs

    But where do you think that 'handful' of people get the money from?
  7. JohnInFrance

    iSMART update

    It's under the My Profile option.
  8. JohnInFrance

    Nov 17th Budget - Tax impact for EVs

    My thoughts exactly, although 30p/mile is somewhat excessive I think, that's £3600 based on 12k/year which is the average mileage. My initial thoughts would be that something around £0.12 per mile during 'normal'/off-peak times rising on a sliding scale to up to £0.50 per mile for peak time...
  9. JohnInFrance

    Nov 17th Budget - Tax impact for EVs

    Nor should you. For some people, cars are merely transport, for others they are more than that, for some it's a passion - either way they all mean different things to different people and we should embrace that.
  10. JohnInFrance

    Nov 17th Budget - Tax impact for EVs

    Other than my van, I've not owned a manual ICE for the past 20+ years - why would you?
  11. JohnInFrance

    Nov 17th Budget - Tax impact for EVs

    Agreed - there would have to be a way that was appropriate for them as well, and in a world of road pricing, VED should be killed off stone dead. Commercial hauliers pay huge VED costs already, so there has to be a way the the Road Transport Association and the Government can come up with an...
  12. JohnInFrance

    Nov 17th Budget - Tax impact for EVs

    Initial vehicles were battery operated - we have Henry Ford to blame for the prominence of the ICE.
  13. JohnInFrance

    Nov 17th Budget - Tax impact for EVs

    So how would we calculate the actual loss of tax to the government if 50% of new car registrations in 2025 were EVs? The simple answer is I don't really know, but can have a stab at it. Fuel Duty: Fuel duties are levied on purchases of petrol, diesel and a variety of other fuels. They represent...
  14. JohnInFrance

    Nov 17th Budget - Tax impact for EVs

    Absolutely, I love driving our EV, but is it more fun? Nope, not even close. We brought one for one reason and one reason only, to lower our travel costs and it has delivered in spades for that. I think for some it will have. For us, operating costs are key but yes, we also got an enormous...
  15. JohnInFrance

    Nov 17th Budget - Tax impact for EVs

    I know, that's why I wrote in an erlier part of the thread that the break-even point on pollution/carbon is significantly further into an EV's lifecycle and they are NOT a green option, walking is - perhaps read all the way through first eh? I don't, while you're quick to be rude an throw...
  16. JohnInFrance

    Nov 17th Budget - Tax impact for EVs

    Without a doubt - EVs are not green and we are kidding ourselves if we think they are, they are emission free at the point they are driven, nothing more. All transport produces waste and emissions, even horse and cart, so for me it's all about cost - we love our EV, it's become our daily when...
  17. JohnInFrance

    Nov 17th Budget - Tax impact for EVs

    I don't believe that either ICE/PHEV/BEV should be prioritised one way or another. All EVs still produce plenty of carbon emissions and other damage to the environment, and are argueably no greener than ICE vehicles (that's for another thread) until considerably further into their lifecycle...
  18. JohnInFrance

    Nov 17th Budget - Tax impact for EVs

    But what is the problem of this? As ICE use declines the revenue from fuel duty has to be replaced somehow and why should we, as EV users, be exempt from the charges others face for using the roads?
  19. JohnInFrance

    iSMART update

    Yes you can, you need to swipe between imperial and metric in the profile page, not just tap one or the other. Here's where I tried it an hour or so ago:
  20. JohnInFrance

    iSMART update

    It's under the scheduled charging button on the battery page.
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