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  1. S

    Straps around motor

    It looks like they're holding down a foam cover above it, would this normally be removed at PDI? Also there appears to be velcro straps hanging down on the left and the right of the transmission
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    ZS EV LR - battery charge level wrong? (sticking at charged level)

    I have noticed something odd with mine after charging to 80% My drive home (14 miles) uses 4-5% on average and this is pretty consistent However when I charge to 80% at work, I get home showing about 78% It only seems to do this after an 80% charge!?
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    How to tell LR v SR

    Or follow the manufacturers advice if you want protect your investment long term Will charging in it to 100% rather that 80% really make a big difference? I have no idea, but if it doesn't impact how you use your car, why not err on the side of caution? It's a non issue for me, I tend to...
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    £40 Refund on insurance

    if it's a HEV ?
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    How to tell LR v SR

    Yes, the advice is only charge the LR to 100% if you need it aim for using it between 20 - 80% for shorter journeys. Strictly speaking the theory is that the batteries may degrade if left charged at 100% for extended periods
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    How to tell LR v SR

    ^^ I think that this is the best way Also on the LR, if you go to the charging screen, you are able to set the max charge %, you can't do this in the SR
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    iSmart Companion App - Incorrect Vehicle Status

    There was a comment a few months back, people were checking their cars when away on holiday, it was about 10 days before that stopped responding
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    How do you stop the charge?

    It's not available for us to see on the car's screen
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    How do you stop the charge?

    I think that when it was really investigated, AS - 22- 025 was a service bulletin that basically said that dealers MUST check for any available updates on PDI and routine service. I don't think that we ever knew the actual firmware revision for this fix The actual number is a bit irrelevant, by...
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    How do you stop the charge?

    As long that the ZS facelift has the latest firmware, when you unlock the doors, it pauses the AC charge for a couple of minutes and unlocks the charge port. If left untouched, it reverts to charging This only works on AC not DC
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    What's my car trying to tell me? (Red outline)

    Your boot is open, it does take a slam to shut it
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    Battery isolator

    Well, having nothing better to do :) I've searched the forum for "10mm" and then again for "spanner"- I could only find 2 posts where disconnecting the battery worked for the MK2 Both were for frozen infotainment screens One of them, the same fault came back and this time he reset by holding...
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    Battery isolator

    Interesting, I'll have to have a search. I can't think of many reported instances of the MK2 bricking, other than the HV Shut off fault, the 10mm trick doesn't fix that, it needs an OBD2 reset by the AA, in some cases they weren't able to do it and the cars had to go to MG
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    Battery isolator

    It's well documented that the MK1 can be reset using the 10mm spanner trick Has anyone been successful with it on the MK2? I've seen it suggested as a fix a number of times, but I've not yet read anyone saying that it worked, I'm interested to hear opinions on this
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    HV Battery Shut Off

    The update came out about May 22, all cars delivered after that should have been either built with the update or updated as part of their PDI I recently read a post on Facebook (so it must be true) that you can tell if it had the "HV Battery Shut Off" update by another feature that was updated...
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    Why I cancelled my BV SE order

    I think that this is a common thing with forums, it can give a false sense of issues, as you typically search for and post on forums when you have a problem This ZS forum has a mix of MK1 and MK2 ZS, some with very old firmware. I'm not saying that the MK2 has no problems, but I don't recall...
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    Help the Aged (That's me)

    Congratulations, is it a boy or a girl? Maybe twins? Definitely get them to set up the app The standby/start/stop and Drive didn't click with me, when I read the manual, but a one minute tutorial from my dealer was useful - It's actually really easy though.....get in the car, foot on the...
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    POLL: Which route should I take on my 1st long range journey?

    Definitely go the scenic route, that road is a really nice drive as long as it's not dark and wet You'll easily get there with lots of range to spare As others have said, Booths in Kendal, Windermere and Keswick will be best for Rapid chargers On the M6 "Burton in Kendal" and "Tebay" services
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    MG ZS EV Shipping Updates

    Quite correct, though I was a private customer, with an existing order on backlog and not a new customer jumping the queue by getting a cancelled car In my case, they did look after their customer and not go for new business, as per your comment
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    MG ZS EV Shipping Updates

    I can only speak for myself when saying Luscombe's did right by me, they had a car available (I believe from a cancellation) matching my November 2021 order and supplied it to me, bringing my delivery forward by a month or so
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