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    Remote not detected MG5 SW (2021)

    Has she checked the remote battery is the right way up?
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    MG5 Mystery Faults

    Ahh that's good. Just thought it was worth checking that it hadn't been damaged but as far as you can tell without testing it that looks fine. If you have trouble with the 12v allot of places that sell replacementa such as halfords will check the health of the 12v battery for free without...
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    MG5 Mystery Faults

    It sounds like your 12v battery may be part of the problem. 11.3v is very low considering the battery doesn't really get used for much. I think failed rapid charges can cause 12v battery problems. It might be worth checking the voltage a few times to see if it is regularly below 12.1v as without...
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    MG5 SOH

    I saw somewhere that MG removed SOH from the first service. It also balances on the way down to either 94 or 96% so after an equalisation you can put it in ready mode and not drive to keep balancing for hours (just make sure no-one can get in and drive off).
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    MG ZS electric drivers seat to fit an MG5?

    I think the zs seat is higher so its worth measuring the height on the zs at the lowest adjustment and seeing if the mg5 can raise to that height and if you can see comfortably while driving. Also disconnect the 12v battery before and during taking the seat out the seatbelt and seat weight...
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    Press Brake to start Fault.

    Not likely to be related but I had an issue with auto hold, after a rapid charge the car would go forward in reverse or drive, turning auto hold off and restarting the car fixed it. So it may be worth checking it's turned off but it doesn't sound particularly related.
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    MG5 Trophy - MG PIlot features (and other).

    I've got the speed limiter set to beep above a certain speed and it works.
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    Battery Heater - MG5 LR Exclusive

    Mine has always worked when in ready mode as well as when you start the car while ac charging.
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    MG5 Battery Degradation?

    I saw when they had the mgzs balancing issues that the car does extra balancing when it's in ready mode for the first few percent. (I think it's down to 96%).
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    MG 5 EV V2L

    There is not v2l on the mg5 lr, I looked at the labels under the bonnet. There is a hefty dcdc charger for the 12v battery so you can fit a fairly hefty inverter yourself.
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    Battery Heater - MG5 LR Exclusive

    Just for comparison mine still works after the kers3 update. I switch it on 5-20 mins before rapid charging and it stays on and noticeably improves the speed when i get there. It switches off if the car is out of ready mode for more than a couple of minutes. I have also been able to see its...
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    MG Pilot vs Cruise Control + Lane Assist?

    Double pull on the cruise control turns pilot on and off.
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    Auto Defrost of Front Windscreen Around Camera Housing?

    The 12v is meant to automatically be topped up as long as the car is above 40% charge (I think that's the cut off percentage anyway) that's one of the reasons for the manual saying if you leave it for extended periods do it above 50%.
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    MG5 LR not accepting charge ? Why

    This is my understanding of the problem based on my experiences and what I remember of the ccs protocols. When you start a ccs charge the car and charger communicate on 2 pins in the type 2 bit and check the connection om a third pin in the type 2 bit. the problem seems to be for a few types...
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    MG Pilot vs Cruise Control + Lane Assist?

    On the lr not face-lift I have lane keep assist set to beep, then if I want pilot I turn it on with the stalk and turn the beep off with the button on the end. Pilot does the steering, cruise control does the braking, lane keep does nothing, beep or steering depending on a setting in the...
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    Curious display error

    I had about the same experience just once.
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    Charging cable locked in car.

    I found it happened on certain machines. The fix for me is holding the charger plug up after pressing start charge until it actually starts charging to make sure the type 2 pins are firmly pushed in. Also I scan my card before I plug the car in.
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    Battery heating on the MG5

    The Sr doesn't have battery preheating. It's only got an optional update designed to allow it to heat the battery when it's sub zero since they found in Norway that it was particularly bad at it as it couldn't charge fast enough to heat the battery with waste heat so the "rapid" charge just...
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    Battery heating on the MG5

    From what I've seen ignoring preheating, and plugged into a rapid rapid they will charge similar % for similar times so twice the battery size charges twice as fast in terms of kwh. With preheating I got 90-93kw from 10% to 35% for mg5 lr on a big rapid, on a 50kw rapid it's usually still...
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    Battery heating on the MG5

    Just dyslexia although an all knowing yoda version would have been helpful.
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