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  1. sgt4hed

    AEB False Positive resulting in near whiplash! 2022 SE

    Actually ignore that, the manual doesn't mention anything about sensitivity. must have been something I remember seeing on my previous car.
  2. sgt4hed

    AEB False Positive resulting in near whiplash! 2022 SE

    Have you tried adjusting the sensitivity in the settings?
  3. sgt4hed

    How to stop AC charging?

    that can't be good for the car... pulling the plug while still charging is going to arc somewhere and runs the risk of frying something important.
  4. sgt4hed

    How to stop AC charging?

    As far as I am led to believe, that feature isn't available on the MK2 in the UK yet, or at least my dealer has told me there are no outstanding software updates at the moment
  5. sgt4hed

    Worth ordering ZS Trophy LR

    dealers were being fined for doing exactly this as there weren't enough cars to go round the outstanding customer orders so MG started fining dealers for making "ghost" orders
  6. sgt4hed

    Wireless CarPlay - and some other features.

    I can confirm this, I tried to watch netflix while parked up through AA screen mirroring and it would only play me the audio with a blank screen. Only way to realistically watch video on the MG is to chuck a load of vids on a USB stick and use the inbuilt media player to do it. I have managed to...
  7. sgt4hed

    MG order form

    I would be kicking off massively here as the guidance from OZEV AND MG UK at the time the grant was live was that dealerships SHOULD have applied for the PiCG at time of order... I would get in touch with MG UK directly and put in an official complaint because this is the dealers fault, not...
  8. sgt4hed

    Worth ordering ZS Trophy LR

    I'm guessing that you have jumped on someone else's cancelled order?
  9. sgt4hed

    Things are not always what they seem! (EV etiquette)

    you can charge to 100% on a rapid charger, the car will slow the charge rate down as you get nearer to 100%, it's not quite the doomsday scenario that some would have you believe. Balancing is not harmful you are right, but it is only needed every now and then. To be honest I don't think I...
  10. sgt4hed

    BT music not playing.

    The android auto interface is probably one of the most buggy ones I have tried from numerous manufacturers, I haven't tried CarPlay so don't know if Apple's offering is any better on the MG or not.
  11. sgt4hed

    High speed brake fail + ghost braking

    That is scary, I have experienced the noise of the brakes prepping in my 2022 MK2 but have not had a brake failure yet... What I would say though and this is probably telling granny to suck eggs, but DO NOT sell this car privately knowing that there is an intermittent braking fault. My advice...
  12. sgt4hed

    BT music not playing.

    Happens a lot to me... unplug the phone and plug it back in. Make sure that the infotainment system has fully booted up before plugging in your phone for AA or CP (as it will default to that instead of BT when plugged in) Radio will stay on for 10 minutes when you stop the car, unless you get...
  13. sgt4hed

    Wireless CarPlay - and some other features.

    If you are talking a 2 second glance then we also need to make carrying children in the car illegal, as well as having your wife or friends in the car with you, the screen showing the song currently playing on the radio must also be gone, along with the rear view mirror as you need to take your...
  14. sgt4hed

    How to stop AC charging?

    A charger will normally not let you remove the plug until it has been disconnected from the car. On the MK2 ZSEV you can get in the car and stop the charge via the battery management panel of the infotainment screen, or on the iSmart app but I know the MK1 doesn't have that... on the ZS we...
  15. sgt4hed

    Things are not always what they seem! (EV etiquette)

    I have to ask, but why would a brand new ZS need balancing on it's first charge? the dealership would have charged it on a 7kw before handing you the keys so would have been balanced before you picked it up...
  16. sgt4hed

    Dashboard Mount Locations

    To be honest with you I don't actually know what sensors are in there, from memory there is 3 but I may be wrong as don't spend much time looking at the car from the outside unless I'm cleaning it, and that is less often than I probably should with it being white haha
  17. sgt4hed

    Dashboard Mount Locations

    there are a number of sensors in that box, can see them from outside the car, some of it is to do with the ADAS systems, working in tandem with the LIDAR in the bumper
  18. sgt4hed

    MG ZS EV Trophy in hot weather

    I can confirm you can leave windows open and it doesn't set the alarm off.
  19. sgt4hed

    How many facelift versions are out there?

    If it gives you peace of mind, I received the complete deal that I got when I ordered, so that was 4.9% APR, £2,500 grant and the £1,500 dep contribution from MG... They didn't go back on any of it despite the fact that all of the above had changed by the time I picked mine up. They had even...
  20. sgt4hed

    Real Cost of Motorway Charging

    and usually for the bare minimum to allow you to get to a reasonably priced fuel station
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