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  1. mg4

    MG4 software update Netherlands

    Also in NL, i went 2 times in for bBluetooth issues, last time without me asking for updates on the infotainment they did that. Now the Bluetooth forgets my phone only once or twice a month instead of daily, but my left star button does not work, so i can't pull up the camera when i want to. For...
  2. mg4

    New trip planner with chargers on r59/r63

    Without a way to get more chargers in it or add your own at least, this is a gimmick at best. So i wouldn't waste time on it. To be clear, i am surrounded by fast chargers, but the car navigation sees the closest one at over 25km. Stranger even, if i search for the address of exactly the...
  3. mg4

    What happens below battery 5%?

    Why dismiss an answer thinkg you know better?
  4. mg4

    Cannot manually unlock door using physical key

    What alarm do you have? Usually the default you can buy the MG4 with is simply start 'engine' blocking, so to me it sounds like a problem with the aftermarket alarm system?
  5. mg4

    Ismart unable to log in

    I had the same thing, on Android, tried clearing cache only, did not work. Cleared the data and tried to log in, failed again. I had to uninstall the app and reinstall it, now it simply works. I do get some message displayed about some token expired, but it does not hinder my use cases so far...
  6. mg4

    MG4 SE battery 1year SoH

    That is one serious degradation. For just over a year i got 0,9% degradation. Mine is a 77kWh battery though, so other chemistry. It is mostly used between 40% an 80%, I have newer seen a 'please slow charge' kind of a message and the car has done 2 trips each with 6000km of rapid charging it...
  7. mg4

    Hi can someone please tell (remote close windows)

    I saw a YT video of someone using a hacking tool to make close the windows when locked via keyfob. Otherwise, no option
  8. mg4

    Centre rear seat belt MG4 Trophy LR

    With 2 kids in the back and no light, i think within a month i ordered 2 of these seatbelt buckle holders. I have the silicone blocks as low as possible over the buckle, to where the buckles protrude quite high and are pretty much rigid, like the ones in the front. One of my kids is now able to...
  9. mg4

    Centre rear seat belt MG4 Trophy LR

    If i get a chance i will test it on mine and update you.
  10. mg4

    Centre rear seat belt MG4 Trophy LR

    Hmm strange, i had to use it on several occasions and it sure fits kids and one occasion it fit an adult person that for size reference wears M sized clothes. So should not be an issue?
  11. mg4

    Cabin preconditioning

    No idea, but you can ask there directly
  12. mg4

    Cabin preconditioning

    It's all here:
  13. mg4

    Cabin preconditioning

    There is a way to use the same iSmart account to integrate HomeAssistant and the car. Then you should be able to use automation to say preheat on office days before you drive to work or home. Theoretically, you could also take traffic into account.
  14. mg4

    Every possible fault when sitting in driver's seat

    If by every possible error you mean it starts listing all the driver assistance systems failing, it happened to me few times at -4 Celsius. It listed about 10 things not functioning, one by one, giving me enough time to read each one, felt like a minute. In my case the car had 1cm of snow and...
  15. mg4

    What's your km count? (odometer)

    I guess this is the latest, impressive @nexia201.
  16. mg4

    What's your km count? (odometer)

    Almost 15 months, 29 000 km, no issues, amazing car.
  17. mg4

    Conflicting Info on UK Tax Rate for EVs ?

    Well in the Netherlands we got 100% discount on road tax as a stimulus to use EVs. This year it goes down to 75%, planning to get it down to 25% discount next year and 0% discount from 2030. But, there are soo many things to consider loke subsidies, road tax, other taxes when using and...
  18. mg4

    Conflicting Info on UK Tax Rate for EVs ?

    Thanks. This is the only forum i found useful to join, but i am from the Netherlands. It does not seem too UK centric to be honest, but will keep that in mind.
  19. mg4

    Conflicting Info on UK Tax Rate for EVs ?

    Could you please add the country in the title of your post? Makes it easier to understand your context on a world wide website. And give you info that is useful. Moderator: Added "UK" to the title.
  20. mg4

    Connecting a V2L car to a house as a battery.

    I guess it would work, if the grid to house connection is disconnected by a manual hardware switch, that does not connect the house to the grid once the power cut ends. But you would need to ensure your house does not pull more from the car than the car can deliver. Could be a simple fuse but...
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